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4D v19.8
LDAP Search

LDAP Search 


LDAP Search ( dnRootEntry ; filter {; scope {; attributes {; attributesAsArray}}} ) -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
dnRootEntry  String in Distinguished Name of root entry where search is to start
filter  String in LDAP search filter
scope  String in Scope of search: "base" (default), "one", or "sub"
attributes  Text array in Attribute(s) to fetch
attributesAsArray  Boolean array in True = force attributes to be returned as array; False = force attributes to be returned as a simple variable
Function result  Object in Key/value attributes

The LDAP Search command searches in the target LDAP server for the first occurrence matching the criteria defined. This command must be executed within a connection to an LDAP server opened with LDAP LOGIN; otherwise a 1003 error is returned.

In dnRootEntry, pass the Distinguished Name of the LDAP server root entry; the search will start at this entry.

In filter, pass the LDAP search filter to execute. The filter string must be compliant with rfc2225. You can pass an empty string "" in order not to filter the search; the "*" is supported to search substrings.

In scope, pass one of the following constants from the "LDAP" theme:

Constant Type Value Comment
LDAP all levels String sub Search in the root entry level defined by dnRootEntry and in all subsequent entries
LDAP root and next String one Search in the root entry level defined by dnRootEntry and in the directly subsequent entries on one level
LDAP root only String base Search only in the root entry level defined by dnRootEntry (default if omitted)
In attributes, pass a text array which contains the list of all LDAP attributes to fetch from the matched entries. By default, if this parameter is omitted, all attributes are fetched.

Note: Keep in mind that LDAP attribute names are case-sensitive. For more information on LDAP attributes, you can refer to this page that lists all available attributes for the MS Active directory.

By default, the command returns attributes as a collection if multiple results are found, or as a variable if a single result is found. The optional attributesAsArray parameter allows you to "force" returned attribute(s) to be formatted as a collection or as a variable for each attribute defined:

  • When you pass true in an element, the corresponding element of the attributes parameter will be returned in a collection. If a single value is found, the command returns a collection with a single element.
  • When you pass false in an element, the corresponding element of the attributes parameter will be returned in a simple variable. If multiple entries are found, the command returns only the first element.

You want to get the phone number of the user "smith" in the company directory:

 ARRAY TEXT($_tabAttributes;0)
 APPEND TO ARRAY($_tabAttributes;"cn")
 APPEND TO ARRAY($_tabAttributes;"phoneNumber")
 LDAP LOGIN($url;$dn;$pwd)
 $vfound:=LDAP Search($dnSearchRootEntry;$filter;LDAP all levels;$_tabAttributes)

We want to get an array of all entries found for the "memberOf" attribute:

 ARRAY TEXT($_tabAttributes;0)
 ARRAY BOOLEAN($_tabAttributes_asArray;0)
 APPEND TO ARRAY($_tabAttributes;"cn")
 APPEND TO ARRAY($_tabAttributes_asArray;False)
 APPEND TO ARRAY($_tabAttributes;"memberOf")
 APPEND TO ARRAY($_tabAttributes_asArray;True)
 LDAP LOGIN($url;$login;$pwd;LDAP password plain text)
 $entry:=LDAP Search($dnSearchRootEntry;"cn=adrien*";LDAP all levels;$_tabAttributes;$_tabAttributes_asArray)
 ARRAY TEXT($_arrMemberOf;0)
 OB GET ARRAY($entry;"memberOf";$_arrMemberOf)
  // in $_arrMemberOf we have an array containing all entry groups

See also 



Product: 4D
Theme: LDAP
Number: 1328


Created: 4D v15


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