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4D v19



FTP_SetType ( ftp_ID ; ftp_Mode ) -> Funktionsergebnis 
Parameter Typ   Beschreibung
ftp_ID  Lange Ganzzahl in Reference to a FTP login
ftp_Mode  String in "A" = Ascii; "I" = [Default] Image; "L 8" = Logical 8-bit
Funktionsergebnis  Ganzzahl in Error Code

The FTP_SetType command is used to alter the FTP transfer mode used during Send/Receive operations. Typically this will not need to be changed from the default settings. However, because of differences between various platforms and ftp implementations, it may be necessary to change the mode for certain types of FTP transfers. In particular, some transfers of plain-text documents may require you to switch the mode to Ascii in order to properly transfer the text file.

ftp_ID is the long integer reference to the FTP session established with FTP_Login.

ftp_Mode should contain a code as described above indicating the preferred transfer mode to use for future Send/Receive operations. By default, the Image ("I") transfer mode is used.

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Produkt: 4D
Thema: IC File Transfer
Nummer: 88901


Erstellt: 4D Internet Commands 6.5


4D Internet Commands ( 4D v19)