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4D v19



IT_ErrorText ( Fehler ) -> Funktionsergebnis 
Parameter Typ   Beschreibung
Fehler  Ganzzahl in Error code returned from other commands
Funktionsergebnis  String in Text of the error

The IT_ErrorText command takes an integer error number as its only parameter and returns the String/Text description of that error. Note that this is one of the few 4D Internet Commands that does not return an Integer as its functional value.

error is the integer number of the error.

The following is an example of an ErrorCheck routine that will display an alert message explaining the cause of an error.

  `Method: ERRCHECK ("Command Name"; Error# ) -> True/False
    ALERT("ERROR -- "+Char(13)+"Command: "+$Command+Char(13)+"Error Code:"+String($Error)
    +Char(13)+"Description: "+vErrorMsg)
 End if

Siehe auch 

Appendix A, Programming Tips


Produkt: 4D
Thema: IC Utilities
Nummer: 88911


Erstellt: 4D Internet Commands 6.5


4D Internet Commands ( 4D v19)