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4D v19



POP3_Delete ( pop3_ID ; startMsg ; endMsg ) -> Funktionsergebnis 
Parameter Typ   Beschreibung
pop3_ID  Lange Ganzzahl in Reference to a POP3 login
startMsg  Lange Ganzzahl in Starting message number
endMsg  Lange Ganzzahl in Ending message number
Funktionsergebnis  Ganzzahl in Error Code

Given a range of messages from startMsg to endMsg, the POP3_Delete command will mark each message to be deleted. The act of deleting the message does not occur until you successfully issue the POP3_Logout command. If your current session terminates for any reason (timeout, network failure, etc.) prior to calling the POP3_Logout command, any messages marked for deletion will remain on the POP3 server.

pop3_ID is a long integer reference to an open session created with POP3_Login.

startMsg is a long integer number which is the starting message number of the messages to delete.

endMsg is a long integer number which is the ending message number of the messages to delete.

Note: The POP3_Delete, POP3_MsgLstInfo and POP3_MsgLst commands do not return an error if the startMsg is greater than the endMsg. In the event that this occurs, this command – in effect – does nothing.

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Produkt: 4D
Thema: IC POP3 Review Mail (deprecated)
Nummer: 88965


Erstellt: 4D Internet Commands 6.5


4D Internet Commands ( 4D v19)