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4D v19



SVG_New_group ( parentSVGObject {; id {; Url {; target}}} ) -> Funktionsergebnis 
Parameter Typ   Beschreibung
parentSVGObject  SVG_Ref in Reference of parent element
id  String in Name of group
Url  String in External link
target  String in Target of link
Funktionsergebnis  SVG_Ref in Reference of group

The SVG_New_group command creates a group in the SVG container designated by parentSVGObject and returns its reference. If parentSVGObject is not a valid SVG group or document, an error is generated.

The group ('g' element) can be used to group together several linked graphic elements, which will inherit the properties of the group.

The optional id parameter can be used to assign a name to the group. Named groups are necessary for several purposes such as animation and reusable objects.

The optional url parameter can be used to associate an external link. Group objects are then clickable (similar to the 'a' element of HTML).

The optional target parameter specifies the name of the target where the document will open when the link is activated. The values expected are those of the HTML specification to which are added the 'new' value for opening a new window and the 'none' value which is equivalent to not processing this attribute.

Note: External links are ignored when the SVG is displayed in a picture object (variable or field) of a 4D form. Management of external references is handled by the rendering engine. Under these conditions, the result may depend on the platform and the viewing software.

A group of lines, all the same color:

  `Assign a color to the group elements

Clickable text:

 $newobject:=SVG_New_text($group;"www.w3.org";10;10;"arial";12;Underline;Align left;"blue")


Produkt: 4D
Thema: Structure and Definitions
Nummer: 65990

Dieser Befehl kann in preemptive Prozessen laufen


Erstellt: Composant 4D SVG v11.3


4D SVG ( 4D v19)