The Watch page is a debugger and displays information about code execution concerning the application and the selected process.
The areas at the bottom of the window configure all the information displayed:
- Selected Process: This drop-down list contains all the processes(*) that are being executed in the database. It allows you to select the process(es) that you want to observe.
- Update Time: In this area, you can set a value (in seconds) that indicates how often the information on the page will be updated.
(*) Processes executed in preemptive mode are not available in this list. See the Preemptive 4D processes page.
The “Expression” column displays the names of the objects and expressions. The “Value” column displays the current value of the objects and expressions. These columns can be resized, one in relation to the other. By clicking on a value in the right column, you can modify the object’s value, if the object allows this.
The multi-level hierarchical list is organized by theme. The themes are the following:
- Variables
- Current Form Values
- Constants
- Semaphores
- Processes
- Tables & Fields
- Sets
- Named Selections
- Information
- Web
The information provided in these themes is identical to that provided by 4D’s debugger. For more information, refer to the Watch Pane section in the 4D Language Reference manual.
To delete an expression or a theme, select the corresponding line and press the Delete or Backspace key.
You can also perform several operations using the context menu:

You can add a New Expression or a 4D Command, or perform global actions: Delete All, display all the Standard Expressions, Collapse All or Expand All.
Note: You can add a new expression by double-clicking in the Expression column.
In addition, several display options are available in the lower part of the context menu:
- Show Types: Displays or hides the types of fields next to their names in the list of tables & fields.
- Show Field and Table Numbers: Displays or hides the table and field numbers next to their names in the list of tables & fields. For each field, the following format is applied: [TableNum]FieldNum.
- Show Icons: Displays or hides the object icons in the hierarchical list.
- Sorted Tables and Fields: Sorts the list of tables and fields by alphabetical order (by default, these objects appear in the order that they were created).
- Show Integers in Hexadecimal: Displays the variables declared as Integer or Long Integer types in their hexadecimal form.
- Enable activity monitoring: Displays additional information concerning the scheduler and the communications network. This low-level information, grouped in the Scheduler and Network items, allows advanced monitoring of the internal activity of the application. Be careful, activating this option slows down processing.