The OBJECT SET VISIBLE command shows or hides the objects specified by object.
If you specify the optional * parameter, you indicate an object name (a string) in object. If you omit the optional * parameter, you indicate a field or a variable in object. In this case, you specify a field or variable reference (field or variable objects only) instead of a string. For more information about object names, see the section Object Properties.
If you pass visible equal to TRUE, the objects are shown. If you pass visible equal to FALSE, the objects are hidden.
Here is a typical form in the Design environment:

The objects in the Employer Information group box each have an object name that contains the expression “employer” (including the group box). When the Currently Employed check box is checked, the objects must be visible; when the check box is unchecked, the objects must be invisible.
Here is the object method of the check box:
Case of
:(FORM Event=On Load)
:(FORM Event=On Clicked)
OBJECT SET VISIBLE(*;"@emp@";cbCurrentlyEmployed#0)
OBJECT SET VISIBLE(cbCurrentlyEmployed;True)
End case
Therefore, when executed, the form looks like:
