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4D v20



SVG_ELEMENTS_TO_ARRAYS ( svgObject ; refsArrayPointer {; typesArrayPointer {; namesArrayPointer}} )  
Parameter Typ   Beschreibung
svgObject  Alpha in SVG reference
refsArrayPointer  Zeiger in String array of object references
typesArrayPointer  Zeiger in String array of object types
namesArrayPointer  Zeiger in String array of object IDs

The SVG_ELEMENTS_TO_ARRAYS command fills the array pointed to by refsArrayPointer with the references of the graphic objects of the first level for the SVG reference passed in svgObject.

If the optional typesArrayPointer pointer is passed, the array will be filled with the object types.

If the optional namesArrayPointer pointer is passed, the array will be filled with object IDs.

A group counts as one object. To find out this information for the graphic objects in a group, passed its reference to the command.

If svgObject is not valid or if this attribute does not exist, an error is generated.

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Produkt: 4D
Thema: Utilities
Nummer: 65909

Dieser Befehl kann in preemptive Prozessen laufen


Erstellt: Composant 4D SVG v11.3


4D SVG ( 4D v20)