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4D v20



SVG_Filter_Offset ( filterRef ; dx {; dy {; input {; Auswahlname}}} ) -> Funktionsergebnis 
Parameter Typ   Beschreibung
filterRef  SVG_Ref in Reference of filter
dx  Lange Ganzzahl in Offset on X axis
dy  Lange Ganzzahl in Offset on Y axis
input  String in Source of filter primitive
Auswahlname  String in Target of filter primitive
Funktionsergebnis  SVG_Ref in Reference of primitive

The SVG_Filter_Offset command sets an offset for the filterRef filter and returns its reference. If filterRef is not a filter reference, an error is generated.

The dx parameter is the value of the horizontal offset.

The optional dy parameter is the value of the vertical offset.

The optional input parameter identifies the graphic source of the filter primitive. You can pass:

  • either "sourceGraphic", indicating that the graphic is the filter source (default),
  • or "sourceAlpha", which indicates that the alpha channel is the filter source.

The optional name is the name, if any, assigned to the result of this filter primitive.

Note: Starting with 4D v14 R5, this command works under Windows with Direct2D enabled in software mode (see the Direct2D software constant in the description of the SET DATABASE PARAMETER command).

In a form, we display two identical SVG pictures then we create an "offset" filter and assign to the one on the right:

 $root:=SVG_New(400;400;"filters test") //definition of first (left) picture
 $textAreaRef:=SVG_New_textArea($root;"Hello World!";10;10;380;100;"arial";60;Normal;Align center)
 <>pict1:=SVG_Export_to_picture($root//display first picture
 $root2:=SVG_New(400;400;"filters test") //definition of identical (right) picture
 $textAreaRef2:=SVG_New_textArea($root2;"Hello World!";10;10;380;100;"arial";60;Normal;Align center)
 $filter:=SVG_Define_filter($root2;"Offset") //create filter
 SVG_SET_FILTER($textAreaRef2;"Offset") //apply filter
 <>pict2:=SVG_Export_to_picture($root2//display second picture


Siehe auch 



Produkt: 4D
Thema: Filters
Nummer: 65917

Dieser Befehl kann in preemptive Prozessen laufenspezifisches Verhalten unter Windows


Erstellt: Composant 4D SVG v11.3
Geändert: 4D v14 R5


4D SVG ( 4D v20)