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4D v20



SVG_New_arc ( parentSVGObject ; x ; y ; radius ; start ; end {; foregroundColor {; backgroundColor {; strokeWidth}}} ) -> Funktionsergebnis 
Parameter Typ   Beschreibung
parentSVGObject  SVG_Ref in Reference of parent element
Lange Ganzzahl in Coordinate on center X axis
Lange Ganzzahl in Coordinate on center Y axis
radius  Lange Ganzzahl in Radius of circle
start  Lange Ganzzahl in Value in degrees of start of arc
end  Lange Ganzzahl in Value in degrees of end of arc
foregroundColor  String in Color or gradient name
backgroundColor  String in Color or gradient name
strokeWidth  Zahl in Line thickness
Funktionsergebnis  SVG_Ref in Reference of arc

The SVG_New_arc command creates a new circle arc in the SVG container designated by parentSVGObject and returns its reference. If parentSVGObject is not an SVG document, an error is generated.

The optional foregroundColor and backgroundColor parameters contain, respectively, the name of the line color and of the background color. (For more information about colors, please refer to the commands of the Colors and Gradients theme).

The optional strokeWidth parameter contains the size of the pen expressed in pixels. Its default value is 1.

Draw an arc from 0° to 90° (default fill and border color, default line thickness):


Draw the arc from 90° to 180° of a light blue circle with a blue edge and a 2-point link thickness:


Siehe auch 



Produkt: 4D
Thema: Drawing
Nummer: 65975

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Geändert: Composant 4D SVG v11.4


4D SVG ( 4D v20)