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4D v20



SVG_New_tspan ( parentSVGObject ; Text {; x {; y {; font | styleDef {; Größe {; Stil {; Ausrichtung {; color}}}}}}} ) -> Funktionsergebnis 
Parameter Typ   Beschreibung
parentSVGObject  SVG_Ref in Reference of parent element
Text  Text in Text to insert
Lange Ganzzahl in Coordinate on X axis
Lange Ganzzahl in Coordinate on Y axis
font | styleDef  Text in Font name or Style definition
Größe  Ganzzahl in Size of characters in points
Stil  Ganzzahl in Style of characters
Ausrichtung  Ganzzahl in Alignment
color  String in Text color
Funktionsergebnis  SVG_Ref in Reference of SVG text object

The SVG_New_tspan command creates a new element in the 'text', ‘tspan’ or 'textArea' element designated by parentSVGObject and returns its reference. If parentSVGObject is not a reference to a 'text', ‘tspan’ or 'textArea' element, an error is generated.

The different optional parameters are described with the SVG_New_text command. If certain optional parameters are omitted, their values are inherited from parent element(s).

In a text, it is possible to create paragraphs that inherit the properties of a parent.

  `Creates a new text that is in Arial, blue, and aligned to the left
 $textID:=SVG_New_text($SVG;"";0;0;"arial";-1;-1;Align left;"blue")
  `Nested paragraphs with indentation and changing of size and style
 $textID:=SVG_New_tspan($textID;"TITLE 1";10;10;"";24;Bold+Underline)
 $textID:=SVG_New_tspan($textID;"Title 2";20;42;"";12;Bold)
 $textID:=SVG_New_tspan($textID;"Title 3";30;60;"";10;Bold+Italic)
 $textID:=SVG_New_tspan($textID;"Title 4";40;78;"";8;Italic)

Changing a property while remaining in the same "text" element, here the size of the text.

 $textID:=SVG_New_text($SVG;"Writing ";10;10;"arial";12)
 SVG_SET_FONT_SIZE(SVG_New_tspan($textID;"with ");14)
 SVG_SET_FONT_SIZE(SVG_New_tspan($textID;"SVG ");18)
 SVG_SET_FONT_SIZE(SVG_New_tspan($textID;"is ");24)
 SVG_SET_FONT_SIZE(SVG_New_tspan($textID;"easy ");36)

Siehe auch 



Produkt: 4D
Thema: Text
Nummer: 65956

Dieser Befehl kann in preemptive Prozessen laufen


Erstellt: Composant 4D SVG v11.3
Geändert: 4D v13


4D SVG ( 4D v20)