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4D v20



SVG_SET_VIEWPORT_FILL ( svgObject {; color {; opacity}} ) 
Parameter Type   Description
svgObject  SVG_Ref in Reference of SVG element
color  String in Fill color
opacity  Longint in Percentage of opacity

The SVG_SET_VIEWPORT_FILL command can be used to set the background color of an SVG document having the svgObject reference.

If this attribute already exists, its value is replaced by the value passed as parameter. If svgObject is an SVG element that does not accept this attribute, an error is generated.

The optional color parameter indicates the color to be used for the picture background. If this parameter is omitted or contains an empty string, white will be used. For more information about colors, please refer to the SVG Colors section.

The optional opacity parameter can be used to specify the value of the percentage of opacity to be applied to this fill. If this parameter is omitted or if no opacity has been specified for the document, the value 100% is used.

See also 

SVG Colors


Product: 4D
Theme: Attributes
Number: 705083

This command can be run in preemptive processes


Created: Composant 4D SVG v11.3


4D SVG Component ( 4D v20)