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4D v20
Summary of commands

Summary of commands    



The tables below list the 4D for OCI commands by theme. Syntax information is also provided for each command on a separate page. (Click on the command name to go directly to its corresponding page in this manual).

For more detailed information about the use of these commands, please refer to their equivalent OCI command described in the OCI documentation provided by the Oracle corporation.

Note: The Extras theme is composed of 4D commands that do not have equivalents in the OCI documentation.

Command namePurpose
OCIBreakCarries out an immediate asynchronous break
OCILogoffReleases a session retrieved using OCILogon.
OCILogonSimplified single-session logon
OCIParamGetGets parameter descriptor
OCIParamSetSets parameter descriptor in COR handle
OCIPasswordChangeChanges password
OCIResetResets asynchronous operation and protocol (after call to OCIBreak)
OCIServerAttachAttaches to server; initializes server context handle
OCIServerDetachDetaches from server; uninitializes server context handle
OCISessionBeginAuthenticates user
OCISessionEndTerminates user session

Command nameOCI command name (if different)Purpose
OCIBindDateByNameOCIBindByNameBinds dates by name
OCIBindDateByPosOCIBindByPosBinds dates by position
OCICollAppendCollection appends element
OCICollAssignAssigns collection
OCICollAssignElemCollection assigns element
OCICollGetElemGets pointer to an element
OCICollMaxReturns maximum number of elements in collection
OCICollSizeGets current size of collection (in number of elements)
OCICollTrimTrims elements from the collection
OCIDateAddDaysAdds or subtracts days
OCIDateAddMonthsAdds or subtracts months
OCIDateFromTextConverts string to date
OCIDateLastDayGets date of last day of month
OCIDateNextDayGets date of next day
OCIDateSysDateGets current system date and time
OCIDateToTextConverts date to string
OCIDateZoneToZoneConverts date from one time zone to another zone
OCIDefineDateByPosOCIDefineByPosDefines output variable association
OCIIterCreateCreates iterator to scan the array elements
OCIIterDeleteDeletes iterator
OCIIterGetCurrentGets current collection element
OCIIterInitInitializes iterator to scan the given collection
OCIIterNextGets next collection element
OCIIterPrevGets previous collection element
OCIRawAllocSizeGets allocated size of raw memory in bytes
OCIRawAssignBytesAssigns raw bytes to raw
OCIRawAssignRawAssigns raw to raw
OCIRawPtrGets raw data Pointer
OCIRawResizeResizes memory of variable-length raw
OCIRawSizeGets raw size
OCIRefAssignAssigns one Ref to another
OCIRefClearClears or nullifies Ref
OCIRefFromHexConverts hexadecimal string to Ref
OCIRefHexSizeReturns size of hexadecimal representation of Ref
OCIRefIsEqualCompares two Refs for equality
OCIRefIsNullTests whether Ref is Null
OCIRefToHexConverts Ref to hexadecimal string
OCITableDeleteDeletes element
OCITableExistsTests whether element exists
OCITableFirstReturns first index of table
OCITableLastReturns last index of table
OCITableNextReturns next available index of table
OCITablePrevReturns previous available index of table
OCITableSizeReturns current size of table

Command namePurpose
OCICacheFlushFlushes modified persistent objects in cache to server
OCICacheFreeFrees objects in the cache
OCICacheRefreshRefreshes pinned persistent objects
OCICacheUnmarkUnmarks objects in the cache
OCICacheUnpinUnpins persistent objects in cache or connection

Command nameOCI command name (if different)Purpose
OCIAttrGetTextOCIAttrGetGets value for attribute of a handle
OCIAttrGetValOCIAttrGetGets value for attribute of a handle
OCIAttrSetTextOCIAttrSetSets value for attribute of a handle or descriptor
OCIAttrSetValOCIAttrSetSets value for attribute of a handle or descriptor
OCIBindByNameBinds by name
OCIBindByPosBinds by position
OCIDefineByPosDefines output variable association
OCIDescribeAnyTextOCIDescribeAnyDescribes existing schema objects
OCIDescribeAnyValOCIDescribeAnyDescribes existing schema objects
OCIDescriptorAllocAllocates and initializes descriptor or LOB locator
OCIDescriptorFreeFrees previously-allocated descriptor
OCIEnvCreateCreates and initializes an OCI environment
OCIErrorGetReturns error message and Oracle error
OCIHandleAllocAllocates and initializes handle
OCIHandleFreeFrees previously-allocated handle
OCIServerVersionGets Oracle version string
OCIStmtExecuteSends statements to server for execution
OCIStmtFetchFetches rows from a query
OCIStmtGetBindInfoGets bind and indicator variable names and handle
OCIStmtPreparePrepares SQL or PL/SQL statement for execution
OCITerminateDetaches from shared memory subsystem

Command namePurpose
OCITransCommitCommits transaction on service context
OCITransDetachDetaches transaction from service context
OCITransForgetForgets prepared global transaction
OCITransPreparePrepares global transaction for commit
OCITransRollbackRolls back transaction
OCITransStartStarts transaction on a service context

Command namePurpose
OCIDurationBeginStarts user duration for temporary LOB
OCIDurationEndEnds user duration for temporary LOB
OCILobAppendAppends one LOB to another
OCILobAssignAssigns one LOB locator to another
OCILobCharSetFormGets character set form from LOB locator
OCILobCharSetIdGets character set ID from LOB locator
OCILobCopyCopies all or part of one LOB to another
OCILobCreateTemporaryCreates temporary LOB
OCILobDisableBufferingTurns off LOB buffering
OCILobEnableBufferingTurns on LOB buffering
OCILobEraseErases portion of LOB
OCILobFileCloseCloses previously-opened BFILE
OCILobFileCloseAllCloses all previously-opened files
OCILobFileExistsChecks whether file exists on server
OCILobFileGetNameGets directory object and file name from LOB locator
OCILobFileIsOpenChecks whether LOB is open
OCILobFileOpenOpens BFILE
OCILobFileSetNameSets directory object and file name in LOB locator
OCILobFlushBufferFlushes LOB buffer
OCILobFreeTemporaryFrees temporary LOB
OCILobGetChunkSizeGets chunk size of LOB
OCILobGetLengthGets length of LOB
OCILobIsEqualCompares two LOB locators for equality
OCILobIsTemporaryDetermines if given LOB is temporary
OCILobLoadFromFileLoads LOB from BFILE
OCILobLocatorIsInitChecks to see if LOB locator is initialized
OCILobReadReads portion of LOB
OCILobTrimTruncates LOB
OCILobWriteWrites into LOB
OCILobWriteAppendWrites data beginning at end of a LOB

Command namePurpose
OCINumberAddAdds numbers
OCINumberArcCosComputes arc cosine
OCINumberArcSinComputes arc sine
OCINumberArcTanComputes arc tangent
OCINumberArcTan2Computes arc tangent of two numbers
OCINumberCosComputes cosine
OCINumberDivDivides two numbers
OCINumberExpRaises e to specified Oracle number power
OCINumberFromTextConverts string to Oracle number
OCINumberHypCosComputes hyperbolic cosine
OCINumberHypSinComputes hyperbolic sine
OCINumberHypTanComputes hyperbolic tangent
OCINumberIntPowerRaises given base to an integer power
OCINumberLnComputes natural logarithm
OCINumberLogComputes logarithm to arbitrary base
OCINumberMulMultiplies numbers
OCINumberPowerExponentiation to base e
OCINumberRoundRounds Oracle number to specified decimal place
OCINumberSinComputes sine
OCINumberSqrtComputes square root of number
OCINumberSubSubtracts numbers
OCINumberTanComputes tangent
OCINumberToTextConverts Oracle number to string
OCINumberTruncTruncates Oracle number at specified decimal place

Command namePurpose
_o_OCICleanUpFrees up memory used by objects
OCIGetTnsnamesPathReturns full path of Oracle home folder
OCIOnErrCallInstalls error-handling method

Note: These are 4D commands with no equivalent Oracle version.



Produkt: 4D
Thema: Summary of commands



4D for OCI ( 4D v20)