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4D v20 R7
_o_OBJECT Get action

_o_OBJECT Get action 


_o_OBJECT Get action ( {* ;} object ) -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
Operator in If specified, object is an object name (string) If omitted, object is a field or variable
object  Form object in Object name (if * is specified) or
Field or variable (if * is omitted)
Function result  Text in Associated standard action code

This command is deprecated starting with 4D v16 R3. It is replaced by the updated OBJECT Get action command, which benefits from the extended text-based set of standard action names. 

The _o_OBJECT Get action command returns the code of the standard action associated with the object(s) designated by the object and * parameters.

Note: Code-based action constants are deprecated starting with 4D v16 R3. For more information, please refer to the (updated) OBJECT Get action command description.


Product: 4D
Theme: Deprecated Commands
Number: 1260

This command is deprecated and should not be used anymore


Created: 4D v14
Renamed: 4D v16 R3 (OBJECT Get action)


4D Language Reference ( 4D v20 R7)