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4D v20 R8
Deleting a form

Deleting a form  



You can delete any project form or any table form that is not designated as a current input or output form (or both). The deletion button is disabled when you select the current input or output form.

To delete a form:

  1. Display the Forms Page of the Explorer.
  2. Expand the “Project Forms” theme or the table that contains the form you want to delete.
  3. Select the form you want to delete and click the deletion button of the Explorer.
    Use the Delete Form command in the context menu of the Explorer (right-click on the form name).
    4D asks you to confirm the deletion.
  4. Click on OK.
    4D deletes the form. The form is moved to the Trash and can be recovered at any time so long as the Trash has not been emptied (see Trash Page). 

Note: It is also possible to delete a form from the Home Page of the Explorer (using the same procedure).


Product: 4D
Theme: Managing forms



4D Design Reference ( 4D v20 R8)