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4D v19
WP Import document

WP Import document 


WP Import document ( filePath {; option} ) -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
filePath  String in Path to:
a 4D Write document (.4w7 or .4wt) or
a 4D Write Pro document (.4wp) or
a .docx document (.docx)
option  Longint, Object in (longint) Import option for HTML expressions
(object) Import options for .docx document
Function result  Object in 4D Write Pro object

The WP Import document command converts an existing 4D Write Pro / 4D Write document (.4wp, .4w7 or .4wt) or MS Word document (.docx) to a new 4D Write Pro object.

In the filePath parameter, pass the path of a document stored on disk. The following types of documents are supported:

You must pass a complete path, unless the document is located at the same level as the structure file, in which case you can just pass its name.

Note: If you want to import a document stored in a 4D BLOB field, you can also consider using the WP New command.

An error is returned if the filePath parameter is invalid, or if the file is missing or the file format is not supported.

The optional option parameter allows defining import options for:

  • longint

    By defaut, HTML expressions inserted in legacy 4D Write documents are not imported (no 4D Write Pro support). If you pass the wk import html expressions as text constant, HTML expressions will be imported as raw text within ##htmlBegin## and ##htmlEnd## tags -- which will require formatting actions afterwards. For example:

    ##htmlBegin##<span>Imported title<b>bold</b></span>##htmlEnd##

  • object

    You can pass an object to define how the following attributes are handled during the import operation:

    Attribute  Type Description 
    anchoredTextAreas  Text For MS Word (.docx) documents only. Specifies how anchored text areas are handled. Available values:

    • inline - Anchored text areas are treated as inline text at the position of the anchor.
    • ignore (default) - Anchored text areas are ignored. 

    Note: The layout and the number of pages in the document may change.

    anchoredImages  Text For MS Word (.docx) documents only. Specifies how anchored images are handled. Available values:

    • all (default) - All anchored images are imported as anchored images. Any images with text wrapping are imported as inline images.
    • ignoreWrap - Anchored images are imported, but any text wrapping around the image is ignored.
    • ignore - Anchored images are not imported.
    sections  Text For MS Word (.docx) documents only. Specifies how section are handled. Available values:

    • all (default) - All sections are imported. Continuous, even, or odd sections are converted to standard sections.
    • ignore - Sections are converted to default 4D Write Pro sections (A4 portrait layout without header or footer).

    Note: All section breaks are converted to page breaks except continuous section breaks which are ignored.

    fields  Text For MS Word (.docx) documents only. Specifies how .docx fields that can't be converted to 4D Write Pro formulas are handled. Available values:

    • ignore - .docx fields are ignored.
    • label - .docx field references are imported as labels within double curly braces ("{{ }}"). Ex: The "ClientName" field would be imported as {{ClientName}}.
    • value (default) - The last computed value for the .docx field (if available) is imported. 

    Note: If a .docx field corresponds to a 4D Write Pro variable, the field is imported as a formula and this option is ignored.

    borderRules  Text For MS Word (.docx) documents only. Specifies how paragraph borders are handled. Available values:

    • collapse - Paragraph formatting is modified to mimic automatically collapsed borders. Note that the collapse property only applies during the import operation. If a stylesheet with a automatic border collapse setting is reapplied after the import operation, the setting will be ignored.
    • noCollapse (default) - Paragraph formatting is not modified.
    preferredFontScriptType  Text For MS Word (.docx) documents only. Specifies the preferred typeface to use when different typefaces are defined for a single font property in OOXML. Available values:

    • latin (default) - Latin script  
    • bidi - Bidrectional script. Suitable if document is mainly bidirectional left-to-right (LTR) or right-to-left (RTL) text (e.g., Arabic or Hebrew).
    • eastAsia - East Asian script. Suitable if document is mainly Asian text.
    htmlExpressions Text For 4D Write (.4w7) documents only. Specifies how HTML expressions are handled. Available values: 

    • rawText - HTML expressions are imported as raw text within ##htmlBegin## and ##htmlEnd## tags
    • ignore (default) -  HTML expressions are ignored.

Compatibility Notes

  • Character style sheets in legacy 4D Write documents use a proprietary mechanism, which is not supported by 4D Write Pro. To get the best result for imported text, style sheet attributes are converted to "hard coded" style attributes. Legacy character style sheets are not imported and are no longer referenced in the document.
  • Support for importing in .docx format is only certified for Microsoft Word 2010 and newer. Older versions, particularly Microsoft Word 2007, may not import correctly.

 WPDoc:=WP Import document("C:\\documents\\4DWriteDocs\\Letter.4w7")

You want to import a .docx document and would like that paragraph borders are collapsed as they are in MS Word:

 $options:=New object
 $options.borderRules:="collapse" //collapse paragraph borders while converting
 wpDoc:=WP Import document(«mydoc.docx»;$options)

You want to import original .docx fields as text (for fields not converted to 4D formulas):

 $options:=New object
 $options.fields:="label" //for unconverted fields, import field references as text between {{ and }}
 wpDoc:=WP Import document(«mydoc.docx»;$options)


You want to import a .docx document whose text is mostly in Japanese:

 $options:=New object
 $options.preferredFontScriptType:="eastAsia" //force conversion to prefer eastAsia font scripts
 wpDoc:=WP Import document(«mydoc.docx»;$options)

See also 

WP New


Product: 4D
Theme: 4D Write Pro Language
Number: 1318

This command can be run in preemptive processes


Created: 4D v14 R5
Modified: 4D v15 R2
Modified: 4D v18 R6
Modified: 4D v19


4D Write Pro Reference ( 4D v19)