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4D v19
WP New style sheet

WP New style sheet 


WP New style sheet ( wpDoc ; styleSheetType ; styleSheetName ) -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
wpDoc  Object in 4D Write Pro document
styleSheetType  Longint in Type of style sheet
styleSheetName  String in Name of style sheet
Function result  Object in Style sheet object

The WP New style sheet command creates a new (empty) style sheet object for the designated wpDoc.

In the wpDoc parameter, pass a 4D Write Pro document.  

The styleSheetType parameter lets you designate the type of the style sheet, i.e. the part of the wpDoc that will be affected by the style sheet. Two types are available:

  • wk type character: Applies style attributes to characters.
  • wk type paragraph: Applies style attributes to paragraphs.

Pass a name for the style sheet in the styleSheetName parameter. The style sheet's name is stored with the document and facilitates reusing or modifying the style. It can also be used with the WP Get style sheet and WP DELETE STYLE SHEET commands. The style sheet name must comply with the following rules:

  • it must start with a letter
  • it can then contain alphanumeric characters, space characters, "-" characters or unicode characters >= 128
  • it must be unique in the document regardless of the type
  • it must not start with "section", which is reserved
  • the "_"  is replaced by a space and trailing spaces are removed.

You can specify the attributes of the style sheet using the WP SET ATTRIBUTES command or the object notation (see 4D Write Pro Attributes). For the list of available attributes, see the Style sheet attributes section.


  • A style sheet only modifies the display of a character or paragraph, not how it is stored in the document. If a style sheet is removed, the text will revert to the default style.
  • Any style attributes not defined in the new style sheet will automatically use the Normal style. For more information, see Style sheet commands.


The following code creates and defines a paragraph style sheet:

 $styleSheet:=WP New style sheet(wpArea;wk type paragraph;"Main title")
  //define style sheet settings
 WP SET ATTRIBUTES($styleSheet;wk font family;"Papyrus")
 WP SET ATTRIBUTES($styleSheet;wk font size;"48pt")
 WP SET ATTRIBUTES($styleSheet;wk text color;"red")
 WP SET ATTRIBUTES($styleSheet;wk text align;wk left)
  //Apply the style sheet to the first paragraph
 $Paragraphs:=WP Get elements(wpArea;wk type paragraph)
    WP SET ATTRIBUTES($Paragraphs[0];wk style sheet;$styleSheet)
 End if

See also 

Accessing document contents by programming
WP Get style sheet
WP Get style sheets


Product: 4D
Theme: 4D Write Pro Language
Number: 1650

This command can be run in preemptive processes


Created: 4D v18


4D Write Pro Reference ( 4D v19)