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4D v19.8
Objects and collections

Objects and collections 


Constant  Type Value Comment
ck ascending  Longint 0 Elements are ordered in ascending order (default)
ck descending  Longint 1 Elements are ordered in descending order
ck diacritical  Longint 8 Execute a diacritical evaluation
ck disable wildchar  Longint 16  
ck ignore null or empty  Longint 1 Ignore null values and empty strings in the result
ck keep empty strings  Longint 2  
ck keep null  Longint 1 Keep null or undefined properties in the result
ck resolve pointers  Longint 1 Resolve pointers in the copied collection
dk ascending  Longint 0

Ascending sort order (default)

dk auto merge  Longint 32 Enables the automatic merge mode option for the ) method
dk descending  Longint 1

Descending sort order

dk diacritical  Longint 8 Execute a diacritical evaluation
dk distinct values  Longint 1 Consider only entity attributes with non-repetead values (option for the entitySelection.count( ) method)
dk force drop if stamp changed  Longint 2 Forces the drop even if the stamp has changed (option for the entity.drop( ) method)
dk keep ordered  Longint 1 Option for maintaining order of the original collection in the new one
dk key as string  Longint 1 The entity.getKey( ) method returns the primary key value as string
dk non ordered  Longint 0 Option for creating an unordered new collection
dk reload if stamp changed  Longint 1 If the stamp of the entity has changed, reload it before performing the lock process (option for the entity.lock( ) method)
dk status automerge failed  Longint 6 (Only if the dk auto merge option is used) The automatic merge option failed when saving the entity.
Associated statusText: "Auto merge failed"
dk status entity does not exist anymore  Longint 5 The entity no longer exists in the data. This error can occur in the following cases:
  • the entity has been dropped (the stamp has changed and the memory space is now free)
  • the entity has been dropped and replaced by another one with another primary key (the stamp has changed and a new entity now uses the memory space). When using entity.drop( ), this error can be returned when dk force drop if stamp changed option is used. When using entity.lock( ), this error can be returned when dk reload if stamp changed option is used

Associated statusText: "Entity does not exist anymore"

dk status locked  Longint 3 The entity is locked by a pessimistic lock.
Associated statusText: "Already locked"
dk status serious error  Longint 4 A serious error is a low-level database error (e.g. duplicated key), a hardware error, etc.
Associated statusText: "Other error"
dk status stamp has changed  Longint 2

The internal stamp value of the entity does not match the one of the entity stored in the data (optimistic lock).

  • with ): error only if the dk auto merge option is not used
  • with entity.drop( ): error only if the dk force drop if stamp changed option is not used
  • with entity.lock( ): error only if the dk reload if stamp changed option is not used
Associated statusText: "Stamp has changed"
dk stop dropping on first error  Longint 8 The drop action stops on the first not droppable entity (option for the entitySelection.drop( ) method)
dk with primary key  Longint 1 Add the primary key in the extracted collection or object (option for entitySelection.toCollection( ) and entity.toObject( ) methods)
dk with stamp  Longint 2 Add the stamp in the extracted collection or object (option for entitySelection.toCollection( ) and entity.toObject( ) methods)

See also 

collection.extract( )
collection.join( )
collection.orderBy( )
entity.drop( )
entity.lock( )
entity.reload( ) )
entitySelection.orderByFormula( )


Product: 4D
Theme: List of constant themes


Created: 4D v16 R6
Modified: 4D v17


4D Language Reference ( 4D v19)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.1)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.4)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.5)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.6)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.7)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.8)