This is the legacy 4D documentation web site. Documentations are progressively being moved to |
4D v19.8
Constant | Type | Value | Comment |
Copy XML data source | Longint | 1 | 4D keeps a copy of the DOM tree with the picture, which means the picture can be saved in a picture field of the database and then redisplayed or exported at any time. This is the default mode for exporting when the exportType parameter is omitted. |
DOCTYPE Name | Longint | 3 | Name of the root element as defined in the DOCTYPE marker |
Document URI | Longint | 6 | URI of the DTD |
Encoding | Longint | 4 | Encoding used (UTF-8, ISO...) |
Get XML data source | Longint | 0 | 4D only reads the XML data source; it is not kept with the picture. This noticeably increases command execution speed; however, because the DOM tree is not kept, it is not possible to store or export the picture. |
Own XML data source | Longint | 2 | 4D exports the DOM tree with the picture. The picture can be stored or exported and command execution is fast. However, the elementRef XML reference can then no longer be used by other 4D commands. |
PUBLIC ID | Longint | 1 | Public identifier (FPI) of the DTD to which the document conforms (if the DOCTYPE xxx PUBLIC tag is present). |
SYSTEM ID | Longint | 2 | System identifier |
Version | Longint | 5 | Accepted XML version |
XML Base64 | Longint | 1 | |
XML binary encoding | Longint | 5 | Specifies the way binary data will be converted. Possible values:
XML case insensitive | Longint | 2 | |
XML case sensitive | Longint | 1 | |
XML CDATA | Longint | 7 | |
XML comment | Longint | 2 | |
XML convert to PNG | Longint | 1 | |
XML DATA | Longint | 6 | |
XML data URI scheme | Longint | 2 | |
XML date encoding | Longint | 2 | Specifies the way 4D dates will be converted. For example, !01/01/2003! in the Paris time zone. Possible values:
XML datetime local | Longint | 3 | |
XML datetime local absolute | Longint | 1 | |
XML datetime UTC | Longint | 5 | |
XML default | Longint | 0 | |
XML disabled | Longint | 2 | |
XML DOCTYPE | Longint | 10 | |
XML DOM case sensitivity | Longint | 8 | Specifies the case sensitivity regarding element names for DOM Get XML element and DOM Count XML elements commands. Possible values:
XML duration | Longint | 2 | |
XML ELEMENT | Longint | 11 | |
XML enabled | Longint | 1 | |
XML end document | Longint | 9 | |
XML end element | Longint | 5 | |
XML entity | Longint | 8 | |
XML external entity resolution | Longint | 7 | Controls whether external entities are resolved in XML documents. For security reasons, by default both DOM and SAX 4D XML parsers do not allow external entity resolution. Note that the scope of this selector is the calling process (if preemptive) or all cooperative processes (if called from a cooperative process). It globally applies to all XML documents (the first parameter is ignored, you can pass an empty string). Possible values:
XML indentation | Longint | 4 | Specifies the indentation of the XML document. Possible values:
XML ISO | Longint | 1 | |
XML local | Longint | 2 | |
XML native codec | Longint | 2 | |
XML no indentation | Longint | 2 | |
XML picture encoding | Longint | 6 | Specifies the way pictures must be converted (before encoding in Base64). Possible values:
XML processing instruction | Longint | 3 | |
XML raw data | Longint | 2 | |
XML seconds | Longint | 4 | |
XML start document | Longint | 1 | |
XML start element | Longint | 4 | |
XML string encoding | Longint | 1 | Specifies the way 4D strings are converted to element values. It does not concern the conversion to attributes for which XML imposes the use of escape characters. Possible values:
XML time encoding | Longint | 3 | Specifies the way 4D times are converted. For example, ?02/00/46? (Paris time). The encoding differs depending on whether you want to express a time or a duration. Possible values for times:
XML UTC | Longint | 4 | |
XML with escaping | Longint | 1 | |
XML with indentation | Longint | 1 |
DOM Append XML child node
DOM Get XML information
SAX Get XML node
Product: 4D
Theme: List of constant themes
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.1)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.4)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.5)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.6)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.7)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.8)