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4D v19.8
Print Options

Print Options 


Constant  Type Value Comment
Destination option  Longint 9

value1: code specifying the type of print destination: 1=Printer, 2=File (PS on Mac), 3=PDF file, 5=Screen (OS X driver option).
If value1 is different from 1 or 5, value2 contains pathname for resulting document. This path will be used until another path is specified. If a file with the same name already exists at the destination location, it will be replaced. With GET PRINT OPTION, if the current value is not in the predefined list, value1 contains -1 and the system variable OK is set to 1. If an error occurs, value1 and the system variable OK are set to 0.
Note (Windows)
: To print PDF on Windows, you have to call SET CURRENT PRINTER(Generic PDF driver) and set the printing destination to 2 (File) or 3 (PDF File). Setting 3 lets you write multi-platform code. In addition, if the PDF Creator driver has been installed and if a regular printer is selected, when the (9;3;path) values are passed, 4D automatically starts a "silent" PDF printing which takes into account any option codes that are passed (note that if you pass an empty string in value2 or omit this parameter, a file saving dialog appears at the time of printing.) After printing, the current settings are restored.

Double sided option  Longint 11

value1: 0=Single-sided or standard, 1=Double-sided. If value1=1, value2 contains the binding: 0=Left binding (default value), 1=Top binding.

Generic PDF driver  String _4d_pdf_printer
  • On macOS, sets the current printer to the default driver. This driver is invisible; it is not found in the list returned by PRINTERS LIST. Note that a PDF document path must be set using SET PRINT OPTION, otherwise error 3107 is returned.
  • On Windows, sets the current printer to the Windows PDF driver (named "Microsoft Print to PDF"). This feature is only available in Windows 10 and higher with the PDF option installed. In older Windows versions, or if no PDF driver is available, the command does nothing and the OK variable is set to 0.
Legacy printing layer option  Longint 16

(Windows only) value1 only: 1=select the GDI-based legacy printing layer for the subsequent printing jobs. 0=select the D2D printing layer (default). This selector is mainly intended to allow legacy plug-ins to print inside 4D jobs in 4D applications on Windows.

Number of copies option  Longint 4 value1 only: number of copies to be printed.
Orientation option  Longint 2

value1 only: 1=Portrait, 2=Landscape. If a different orientation option is used, GET PRINT OPTION returns 0 in value1. This option can be called within a print job, which means that you can switch from portrait to landscape, or vice versa, during the same print job.

Page range option  Longint 15 value1=first page to print (default value is 1) and (optional) value2=number of the last page to print (default value -1 = end of document).
Page setup dialog  Longint 1 Display the Page setup dialog box
Paper option  Longint 1 If you use only value1, it contains the name of the paper. If you use both parameters, value1 contains the paper width and value2 contains the paper height. The width and height are expressed in screen pixels. Use the PRINT OPTION VALUES command to get the name, height and width of all the paper formats offered by the printer.
Paper source option  Longint 5 (Windows only) value1 only: number corresponding to the index, in the array of trays returned by the PRINT OPTION VALUES command, of the paper tray to be used. This option can only be used under Windows.
PDFCreator Printer name  String PDFCreator  
Print dialog  Longint 2

Display the Print job dialog box (default if omitted)

Scale option  Longint 3 value1 only: scale value in percentage. Be careful, some printers do not allow you to modify the scale. If you pass an invalid value, the property is reset to 100% at the time of printing.
Spooler document name option  Longint 12 value1 only: name of the current print document, which appears in the list of spooler documents. The name defined by this statement will be used for all the print documents of the session for as long as a new name or an empty string is not passed. To use or restore standard operation (using the method name in the case of a method, the table name for a record, etc.), pass an empty string in value1.

See also 



Product: 4D
Theme: List of constant themes



4D Language Reference ( 4D v19)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.1)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.4)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.5)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.6)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.7)
4D Language Reference ( 4D v19.8)