4D Write Pro attributes allow you to control all the graphical aspects of text and images stored in your documents. These attributes are handled by the following commands:
a longint array containing an element for each R, G, B component (0-255)
Default for documents is "#FFFFFF" and wk transparent, or "transparent" for paragraphs and images.
wk background display mode
Sets the display mode of images used as background, based on a preset of the following "real" attribute values: wk background origin, wk background repeat, wk background position horizontal, wk background position vertical, wk background width, wk background height
Possible values:
wk scaled to fit
wk truncated
wk truncated centered
wk proportional
wk proportional centered
wk replicated (default)
wk replicated centered
Note: The origin rectangle is set to the padding box (the image rectangle including the padding area but excluding the border area).
When getting the value of this attribute, the returned value is either:
one of the possible display modes, for example wk replicated, if all the real attributes have the preset values for this mode
"custom" if at least one real attribute's value differs from the preset ones for any mode. For example, if the preset value of wk background width is changed after applying wk background display mode, WP GET ATTRIBUTES returns "custom" when getting the value of wk background display mode.
wk background height
Specifies vertical size of background image. Possible values:
wk auto (default): background image retains its height
wk contain: scales image to largest size so that it fits entirely in the content area, while preserving its aspect ratio. This option also modifies the value of the other size attributes.
wk cover: scales background image to be as large as possible so that the background area is entirely covered by the background image, while preserving its aspect ratio. Some parts of the background image may be cropped. This option also modifies the value of the other size attributes.
Defined size: background image vertical size expressed using a number or string value:
Real: Size in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters) Minimum value: 0pt, maximum value: 10,000pt. A relative value (percentage %) is also supported.
wk background image
Specifies a background image reference. Can be any valid image such as a 4D picture variable or expression.
Value returned (WP GET ATTRIBUTES): If the image was defined through a network URL, the target image is returned if it was already loaded, otherwise an empty image is returned.
Use wk background image url if you want to handle pictures through URLs or local URIs.
wk background image url
Background image defined through a URL (string). Can be a network URL, a data URI, or a local file URL (absolute or relative to the structure file).
Value returned (WP GET ATTRIBUTES): Network URL or data URI. It may not be equal to the initial URL for an image not referenced with the network URL (only network URLs are kept). For local file URLs, the image stream itself is kept in the document and thus the URL returned is a data URI with the image stream encoded in base64.
Use wk background image if you want to handle background images as picture expressions.
wk background origin
Specifies where background image is positioned. Possible values:
wk content box: background image starts at content rectangle
wk paper box: background image starts at edge (document or sections only)
wk background position horizontal
Specifies horizontal starting position of a background image. Possible values:
wk left (default): background image starts horizontally on left side of the element
wk center: background image starts horizontally at center of the element
wk right: background image starts horizontally on right side of the element
wk background position vertical
Specifies vertical starting position of a background image. Possible values:
wk top (default): background image starts vertically at top of the element
wk middle: background image starts vertically at middle of the element
wk bottom: background image starts vertically at bottom of the element
wk background repeat
Specifies if and how a background image is repeated. Possible values:
wk repeat (default): background image is repeated both vertically and horizontally
wk no repeat: background image is not repeated
wk repeat x: background image is repeated only horizontally
wk repeat y: background image is repeated only vertically
wk background width
Specifies horizontal size of background image. Possible values:
wk auto (default): background image retains its width
wk contain: scales image to largest size so that it fits entirely in the content area, while preserving its aspect ratio. This option also modifies the value of the other size attributes.
wk cover: scales background image to be as large as possible so that the background area is entirely covered by the background image, while preserving its aspect ratio. Some parts of the background image may be cropped. This option also modifies the value of the other size attributes.
Defined size: background image horizontal size expressed using a real or string value:
Real: Size in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters) Minimum value: 0pt, maximum value: 10,000pt. A relative value (percentage %) is also supported.
a longint array containing an element for each R, G, B component (0-255)
wk border radius
Specifies a rounded border. Possible values:
wk none (default): the border does not have rounded angles
Radius value expressed using a number or a string value:
Number: Radius in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated.(e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters)
wk border style
Specifies style of all four borders. Possible values:
wk none (default): no border
wk hidden: same as wk none, except in border conflict resolution
wk solid: solid border
wk dotted: dotted border
wk dashed: dashed border
wk double: double border
wk groove: 3D groove border (actual effect depends on the border color)
wk ridge: 3D ridged border (actual effect depends on the border color)
wk inset: 3D inset border (actual effect depends on the border color)
wk outset: 3D outset border (actual effect depends on the border color)
wk border style bottom
Specifies style of bottom border. Possible values:
wk none (default): no border
wk hidden: same as wk none, except in border conflict resolution
wk solid: solid border
wk dotted: dotted border
wk dashed: dashed border
wk double: double border
wk groove: 3D groove border (actual effect depends on the border color)
wk ridge: 3D ridged border (actual effect depends on the border color)
wk inset: 3D inset border (actual effect depends on the border color)
wk outset: 3D outset border (actual effect depends on the border color)
wk border style left
Specifies style of left border. Possible values:
wk none (default): no border
wk hidden: same as wk none, except in border conflict resolution
wk solid: solid border
wk dotted: dotted border
wk dashed: dashed border
wk double: double border
wk groove: 3D groove border (actual effect depends on the border color)
wk ridge: 3D ridged border (actual effect depends on the border color)
wk inset: 3D inset border (actual effect depends on the border color)
wk outset: 3D outset border (actual effect depends on the border color)
wk border style right
Specifies style of right border. Possible values:
wk none (default): no border
wk hidden: same as wk none, except in border conflict resolution
wk solid: solid border
wk dotted: dotted border
wk dashed: dashed border
wk double: double border
wk groove: 3D groove border (actual effect depends on the border color)
wk ridge: 3D ridged border (actual effect depends on the border color)
wk inset: 3D inset border (actual effect depends on the border color)
wk outset: 3D outset border (actual effect depends on the border color)
wk border style top
Specifies style of top border. Possible values:
wk none (default): no border
wk hidden: same as wk none, except in border conflict resolution
wk solid: solid border
wk dotted: dotted border
wk dashed: dashed border
wk double: double border
wk groove: 3D groove border (actual effect depends on the border color)
wk ridge: 3D ridged border (actual effect depends on the border color)
wk inset: 3D inset border (actual effect depends on the border color)
wk outset: 3D outset border (actual effect depends on the border color)
wk border width
Specifies width of all four borders. You need to specify the border style before setting the border width. Possible values:
Width expressed using a number or a string value:
Number: Width in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters)
Default value: 2pt
wk border width bottom
Specifies width of bottom border. Possible values:
Width expressed using a number or a string value:
Number: Width in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters)
Default value: 2pt
wk border width left
Specifies width of left border. Possible values:
Width expressed using a number or a string value:
Number: Width in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters)
Default value: 2pt
wk border width right
Specifies width of right border. Possible values:
Width expressed using a number or a string value:
Number: Width in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters)
Default value: 2pt
wk border width top
Specifies width of top border. Possible values:
Width expressed using a number or a string value:
Number: Width in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters)
Default value: 2pt
wk inside
When the selected area contains several paragraphs, specifies that the attribute should affect only the corresponding inter-paragraph property (not outside). It applies only to border, padding and margin attributes, and must be added to the specified attribute. See example 2 of the WP SET ATTRIBUTES command.
wk outside
When the selected area contains several paragraphs, specifies that the attribute should affect only the corresponding paragraph external property (not inside). It applies only to border, padding and margin attributes, and must be added to the specified attribute. See example 2 of the WP SET ATTRIBUTES command.
Document information attributes are used to set or get standard document information or document-level settings. They can be applied to the following 4D Write Pro targets:
Text boxes
Document Information
wk author
Specifies name of author of the document (string)
wk company
Specifies a company associated with the document (string)
wk date creation
Returns creation date of document (date). This value is read-only and cannot be set.
wk date modified
Returns last modification date of document (date). This value is read-only and cannot be set.
Note that this value is dynamically updated each time the document contents are edited, but not when the document is opened or saved.
wk dpi
DPI used for internal pixels <-> points conversion (integer). Always 96 (read-only). Do not confuse this internal attribute with the standard "dpi" action that allows modifying or reading the DPI of the current view of the document.
wk modified
Indicates if the document has been modified since its associated object was created (see below). Possible values:
True - document has been modified
False - document has not been modified (default when the object is created)
This property is always set to false when the object containing the document is created (i.e. with WP Import document, WP New, an object copy or when the object field/attribute is loaded from the database). It is automatically set to true by 4D Write Pro as soon as a modification is done to the contents of the document, whatever the origin of the modification (user action or programming).
A new value evaluated from a formula or a new image loaded from a URL is not considered as a document modification (the source string is left untouched).
Once set to true by 4D Write Pro, this property is never automatically set back to false, even if an "undo" or an "export" action is executed. However, since it is a read-write property, it can be set by your code.
Unlike wk date modified, wk modified is volatile, i.e. it is not stored in the document.
wk notes
Specifies comments about the document (string).
wk subject
Specifies document subject (string)
wk title
Specifies document title (string). Default is "New 4D Write Pro Document"
wk version
Returns internal 4DWP version of the document (real). This number is only read using WP GET ATTRIBUTES; it cannot be set.
Document Settings
wk break paragraphs in formulas
Defines if carriage returns (CR) returned by formulas are treated as paragraph breaks. Possible values:
wk true - Interpreted as paragraph breaks
wk false - (default value) Interpreted as line breaks
Note: If a formula uses This.pageNumber or This.pageCount, the attribute is ignored, carriage returns are always interpreted as line breaks.
wk tab decimal separator
Character used as decimal separator by decimal tabulations (see wk tabs). Possible values:
wk point or comma: use the first dot or comma from the right (default for new blank documents)
wk point: use the point character
wk comma: use the comma character
wk system: use decimal separator as returned by GET SYSTEM FORMAT (default for imported legacy 4D Write documents)
These attributes define the font family, size, and style of the text. They can be applied to the following 4D Write Pro targets:
Text boxes
*Applied to paragraph characters within elements
wk font
Specifies complete font name with styles, as returned by the FONT STYLE LIST command. If you set an invalid font name, the command does nothing. Default value: "Times New Roman".
wk font bold
Specifies thickness of text (depends on available font styles). Possible values:
wk true to set selected characters to bold font style; with the WP GET ATTRIBUTES command, wk true is returned if at least one selected character supports a bold font style.
wk false (default) to remove the bold font style from selected characters if any; with the WP GET ATTRIBUTES command, wk false is returned if none of the selected characters supports a bold font style.
wk font default
Object defining the default substitution font(s) for the document (i.e. fonts to be used instead of document fonts that are not available in the OS). It contains:
String | Collection
Font(s) to be used by default as replacement if a font is not supported by the OS, whatever the platform
String | Collection
Font(s) to be used by default on Windows platform (prior to "default" if defined)
String | Collection
Font(s) to be used by default on macOS platform (prior to "default" if defined)
Each property can contain a string (e.g. "Arial") or a collection of strings (e.g. ["Arial","sans-serif"]). Font names must be family font names or "sans-serif", "serif", "monospace", "cursive" or "fantasy" to target generic font family like in html/css font-family.
By default if the wk font default is not set, or if none of defined fonts are available on a platform, font substitution is delegated to the OS.
wk font family
Specifies font family name as defined by wk font. Default value is "Times New Roman". An empty string is returned by the WP GET ATTRIBUTES command if the selected characters contain different font family properties.
wk font italic
Specifies italic style of text (depends on available font styles). Possible values:
wk true to set selected characters to italic or oblique font style; with the WP GET ATTRIBUTES command, wk true is returned if at least one selected character supports an italic or oblique font style.
wk false (default) to remove the italic or oblique font style from selected characters if any; with the WP GET ATTRIBUTES command, wk false is returned if none of the selected characters supports an italic or oblique font style.
wk font size
Specifies font size for text. Possible values (in points only):
Real value (default = 12)
CSS string with value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points)
wk text color
Specifies color of text. Possible values:
a CSS color ("#010101" or "#FFFFFF" or "red"). Default is "#000000" if string.
Height/width attributes are used to set the height and width of elements. They can be applied to the following 4D Write Pro targets:
Text boxes
*Applied to cells
wk height
Sets height of element. The height property does not include padding, borders, or margins; it sets the height of the area inside the padding, border, and margin of the element. Possible values:
wk auto (default): height is based upon the contents of the element
Defined size: size expressed using real or string value:
Real: Size in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters) Minimum value: 0pt, maximum value: 10,000pt.
The wk height attribute is overridden by wk min height (if defined).
wk min height
Sets minimum height of the element. It prevents the value of the wk height property from becoming smaller than wk min height. Possible values:
wk auto (default): minimum height is based upon the contents of the element
Defined size: size expressed using real or string value:
Real: Size in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters) Minimum value: 0pt, maximum value: 10,000pt.
The wk min height value overrides the wk height attribute.
Note: This attribute is not supported by rows, columns, and cells.
wk min width
Sets minimum width of element. It prevents the value of the wk width property from becoming smaller than wk min width. Possible values:
wk auto (default): minimum width is based upon the contents of the element
Defined size: size expressed using real or string value:
Real: Size in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters) Minimum value: 0pt, maximum value: 10,000pt.
The wk min width value overrides the wk width attribute.
wk width
Sets width of element. Possible values:
wk auto (default): width is based upon the contents of the element. Not available for text boxes (converted to 8 centimeters).
Defined size: size expressed using a real or string value:
Real: Size in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters) Minimum value: 0pt, maximum value: 10,000pt.
The wk width attribute is overridden by wk min width if defined.
Picture anchored in the page using the WP Add picture command
The following attributes are avalaible for both inline and anchored pictures:
wk image
Specifies an image reference. Can be any valid image such as a 4D picture variable or expression.
Value returned (WP GET ATTRIBUTES): If the image was defined through a network URL, the target image is returned if it was already loaded, otherwise an empty image is returned.
Use wk image url if you want to handle pictures through URLs or local URIs.
wk image alternate text
Specifies alternative text for image, if image cannot be displayed.
wk image display mode
Sets the display mode of anchored and inline images. Possible values:
wk scaled to fit (default)
wk truncated
wk truncated centered
wk proportional
wk proportional centered
wk replicated
wk replicated centered
Note: The origin and clipping rectangles are always set to the content box (the image rectangle excluding the padding and border area).
Use wk background display mode if you want to set the display mode of images used as background.
wk image url
Specifies an image defined through a URL (string). Can be a network URL or a data URI, absolute or relative to the structure file.
Value returned (WP GET ATTRIBUTES): Network URL or data URI. It may not be equal to the initial URL for an image not referenced with the network URL (only network URLs are kept). For local file URLs, the image stream itself is kept in the document and thus the URL returned is a data URI with the image stream encoded in base64.
Use wk image if you want to handle images as picture expressions.
wk owner
(Read-only attribute) Owner of the range/object/section/subsection (reference to the document for section/subsection). Value type: Object
wk type
Type of 4D Write Pro object. Possible values:
wk type default: Range or section with not defined type
wk type character: Character type
wk type paragraph: Paragraph type range
wk type image: Image (anchored and inline)
wk type container: Header or footer, for instance
wk type table: Table reference
wk type text box: Text box
For ranges of cells, columns and rows only:
wk type table row: Table row reference
wk type table cell: Table cell reference
wk type table column: Table column reference
For subsections only:
wk first page: First page subsection
wk right page: Right page subsection
wk left page: Left page subsection
For tabs only, value used in the object for wk tab default or the objects of the collection for wk tabs:
wk left: Aligns tab to the left
wk right: Aligns tab to the right
wk center: Aligns tab to the center
wk decimal: Aligns tab on the decimal
wk bar: Inserts vertical bar at tab position
The following attributes are avalaible for inline pictures only:
wk end
(Read-only attribute)
Range end offset, or
Section or subsection text end index in the document body (for subsection, text end index of the parent section).
Value type: Longint
wk start
(Read-only attribute)
Range start offset, or
Section or subsection text start index in the document body (for subsection, text start index of the parent section).
Value type: Longint
wk vertical align
Sets vertical alignment of an element. Can be used with characters, paragraphs, and pictures. Possible values:
wk baseline (default): aligns baseline of element with baseline of parent element
wk top: aligns top of element with top of tallest element on the line
wk bottom: aligns bottom of element with lowest element on the line
wk middle: element is placed in middle of parent element
wk superscript: aligns element as if it were superscript
wk subscript: aligns element as if it were subscript
For characters, wk top and wk bottom have the same effect as wk baseline.
For paragraphs, wk baseline, wk superscript and wk subscript have the same effect as wk top.
The following attributes are avalaible for anchored pictures only:
wk anchor horizontal align
Defines the horizontal alignment of an image or a text box relative to the origin (see wk anchor origin). Possible values:
wk left - left align
wk center - center align (not compatible with HTML, images are not displayed on the web)
wk right - right align
wk anchor horizontal offset
Defines the horizontal offset of an image or a text box expressed in a CSS dimension string or longint (cm or pt or pixel) from wk layout unit. Possible values:
Left or right limit of the page relative to the wk anchor horizontal align
Left or right limit of body in embedded mode (if wk anchor section = wk anchor embedded)
Default value = 0.
wk anchor layout
Defines the layout position of an image or a text box relative to the text on a page. Possible values:
wk behind text - image or text box is anchored, behind the text
wk in front of text - image or text box is anchored, in front of the text
wk inline with text - image is inline with text (default for images inserted with WP INSERT PICTURE). Not available for text boxes. Read-only attribute (inline pictures cannot be converted to anchored pictures by programming).
wk anchor origin
Defines if image or text box is anchored to the page, header or footer. Possible values:
wk paper box (default) - image or text box is anchored to the edge of the page
wk header box - image or text box is anchored to the document header. If the header is not visible, image or text box is not displayed.
wk footer box - image or text box is anchored to the document footer. If the footer is not visible, image or text box is not displayed.
This selector is ignored in embedded mode.
wk anchor page
Defines the page index or the type of page an image or a text box is anchored to. Possible values:
wk anchor all - anchors an image or a text box to all pages of the section(s) defined by wk anchor section
wk anchor first page - anchors an image or a text box to the first page subsection of the section(s) defined by wk anchor section
wk anchor left page - anchors an image or a text box to the left pages subsection of the section(s) defined by wk anchor section
wk anchor right page - anchors an image or a text box to the right pages subsection of the section(s) defined by wk anchor section
a number (Longint >= 0) indicating which page to anchor the image or text box to. In this case, wk anchor section = wk anchor all. Section anchoring is ignored if an image or a text box is anchored to a single page.
Note: Images and Text boxes in Page mode are not displayed in browsers.
wk anchor section
Defines the section index or the type of section that an image or a text box is anchored to. Possible values:
wk anchor all (default) - anchors an image or a text box to all sections in a document (image or text box is only visible in page mode)
wk anchor embedded - anchors an image or a text box to the document body in embedded mode (image or text box is only visible in embedded mode)
a number (Longint >= 1) indicating the section to anchor the image or text box to (image or text box is only visible in page mode).
Note: Images or text boxes in Page mode are not displayed in browsers.
wk anchor vertical align
Defines the vertical alignment of an image or a text box relative to the origin (see wk anchor origin). Possible values:
wk top - top align
wk center - middle align (not compatible with HTML, images are not displayed in browsers)
wk bottom - bottom align
wk anchor vertical offset
Defines the vertical postion of an image or a text box expressed in a CSS dimension string or number (cm or pt or pixel). Possible values:
Top, center or bottom limit of the page (see wk anchor origin) or
Top, center or bottom limit of body in embedded mode (if wk anchor section = wk anchor embedded).
Default value = 0.
wk id
ID of the element (header, footer, body, paragraph, image, text box, table, or row). Value type: String
Note: The ID cannot be empty for a text box.
wk image expression
Specifies an anchored image defined through a 4D expression.
If the expression can not be evaluated or does not return a valid 4D picture, an unloaded image graphic will be displayed (empty image with black border).
If attribute is set to " " or used with WP RESET ATTRIBUTES, the expression will be removed and the image will no longer be defined by it. Doing this before the image has been computed will result in an empty image.
wk image formula
Specifies an anchored image defined through a 4D formula object.
If the formula can not be evaluated or does not return a valid 4D picture, an unloaded image graphic will be displayed (empty image with black border).
If attribute is set to Null or used with WP RESET ATTRIBUTES, the formula will be removed and the image will no longer be defined by it. Doing this before the image has been computed will result in an empty image.
Layout attributes define how columns, sections, subsections, or pages are formatted in the document. They can be applied to the following 4D Write Pro targets:
Text boxes
Note: Documents in embedded mode use wk margin attributes (see Margin below). In page mode, document, sections and subsections use wk page margin attributes.
wk column count
(Available for tables, documents and sections) Number of columns. Value type: Longint
For a table: read-only attribute
For a document or a section: read-write attribute. Default value=1 (single column). Maximum value=20
wk column rule color
Vertical column rule color. Possible values:
a CSS color ("#010101" or "#FFFFFF" or "red"). Default is "#000000" (black)
a longint array containing an element for each R, G, B component (0-255)
wk column rule style
Vertical column rule style. Possible values:
wk none (default): no rule
wk hidden: same as wk none, except in rule conflict resolution
wk solid: solid rule
wk dotted: dotted rule
wk dashed: dashed rule
wk double: double rule
wk groove: 3D groove rule (actual effect depends on the rule color)
wk ridge: 3D ridged rule (actual effect depends on the rule color)
wk inset: 3D inset rule (actual effect depends on the rule color)
wk column rule width
Vertical column rule width. Possible values:
Real: width in wk layout unit.
String: width value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters) Default value="2.5pt"
wk column spacing
(For documents or sections only) Spacing between two columns. Possible values:
Real: width in wk layout unit
String: width value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters). Default value="12pt"
wk column width
(For documents or sections only) Read-only attribute. Current width for each column, i.e. computed width based upon actual page width, page margins, column count and column spacing. For the document, uses the default section column width, so can be different from the actual column width of section(s) if some attributes are overriden in a section. Possible values:
Real: width in wk layout unit.
String: width value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters)
wk header and footer autofit
Specifies if the height of a 4D Write Pro document's headers and footers resize automatically to avoid truncating their contents.
Possible values:
wk true (default for 4D Write Pro documents)
wk false (default for converted 4D Write documents)
wk layout unit
Specifies unit of dimension by default for the document when a value is set or get as a number. Designates unit for the ruler as well as for dimension attributes such as wk width, except for wk font size, wk border width (and its variations), wk border radius and wk text shadow offset for which the unit for number values is always the point. Possible values:
wk unit cm (default): centimeters
wk unit pt: points
wk unit px: pixels
wk unit percent (only for wk line height and wk background size h / wk background size v)
wk unit mm: millimeters
wk unit inch: inches
Note: When a unit that is not supported by the ruler is selected through this attribute (i.e. wk unit px or wk unit percent), the ruler then uses the cm unit.
wk page first number
Page number of the first page of the section or document (Read-only with subsections). Possible values: any integer value >=1
wk page first right
The first page of the document is a right page (Read-only with section or subsection). Possible values:
Page height (in page mode) expressed using a real or string value (Read-only with section or subsection). Possible values:
Real: Height in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters). Supported units: pt,cm,mm, inches.
wk page margin
Size for all margins of the page (page mode). Default is 2.5cm. Possible values:
Real: Size in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters). Supported units: pt, cm, mm, px, inches.
wk none: no specific margin.
wk page margin bottom
Size for bottom margin of the page (page mode). Possible values:
Real: Size in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters). Supported units: pt, cm, mm, px, inches.
wk none: no specific margin.
wk page margin left
Size for left margin of the page (page mode). Possible values:
Real: Size in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters). Supported units: pt, cm, mm, px, inches.
wk none: no specific margin.
wk page margin right
Size for right margin of the page (page mode). Possible values:
Real: Size in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters). Supported units: pt, cm, mm, px, inches.
wk none: no specific margin.
wk page margin top
Size for top margin of the page (page mode). Possible values:
Real: Size in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters). Supported units: pt, cm, mm, px, inches.
wk none: no specific margin.
wk page orientation
Orientation of the page. Possible values:
wk portrait (0) (default)
wk landscape (1)
wk page width
Page width (in page mode) expressed using a real or string value (Read-only with section or subsection). Possible values:
Real: Width in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters). Supported units: pt,cm,mm, inches.
unordered lists: where list items are marked with bullets
ordered lists: where list items are marked with numbers or letters
List attributes are used to configure your lists and set different list item fonts or markers. They can be applied to the following 4D Write Pro targets:
Text boxes
*Applied to paragraphs within cells
wk list font
Specifies complete font name, as returned by the FONT STYLE LIST command, to display the list item marker (but not the paragraph text). If the system does not recognize the font name, it handles the substitution. If you set an invalid font name, the command does nothing. Default value: "Times".
wk list start number
Sets starting value of an ordered list. Possible values:
wk auto (default): sets the starting value to 0.
an integer value: starting value
wk list string format LTR
List item marker string format for left-to-right paragraph direction. If defined, it overrides default list item marker string format for the list.
For unordered lists: string used as list item marker (usually a single character string, e.g. "-")
For ordered lists: string containing the "#" character. "#" is a placeholder for the computed number or letter(s). Default is “#.”, so if current list item number is 15 and list style type is decimal, list item marker string will be "15."
wk list string format RTL
List item marker string format for right-to-left paragraph direction. If defined, it overrides default list item marker string format for the list.
For unordered lists: string used as list item marker (usually a single character string, e.g. "-")
For ordered lists: string containing the "#" character. "#" is a placeholder for the computed number or letter(s). Default is “#.”, so if current list item number is 15 and list style type is decimal, list item marker string will be "15."
wk list style image
Specifies an image reference as the list item marker in an unordered list. Possible values:
wk none (default): list item marker is not defined by an image
any valid image such as a 4D picture variable or expression
Value returned (WP GET ATTRIBUTES): If the image was defined through a network URL, the target image is returned if it was already loaded, otherwise an empty image is returned.
Use wk list style image url if you want to handle pictures through URLs or local URIs.
wk list style image height
Sets height of image used as list item marker. Possible values:
wk auto (default): height is based upon image size
Defined size: size expressed using real or string value:
Real: Size in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters) Minimum value: 0pt, maximum value: 10,000pt.
wk list style image url
Image as the list item marker in an unordered list, defined through a URL (string). Possible values:
wk none (default): list item marker is not defined by an image
a network URL or a data URI, absolute or relative to the structure file
Value returned (WP GET ATTRIBUTES): Network URL or data URI. It may not be equal to the initial URL for an image not referenced with the network URL (only network URLs are kept). For local file URLs, the image stream itself is kept in the document and thus the URL returned is a data URI with the image stream encoded in base64.
Use wk list style image if you want to handle list item marker images as picture expressions.
wk list style type
Specifies type of ordered or unordered list item marker. Possible values are:
wk disc (default)
wk circle
wk square
wk decimal: 1 2 3
wk decimal leading zero: 01 02 03
wk lower latin: a b c
wk lower roman: i ii iii iv
wk upper latin: A B C
wk upper roman: I II III IV
wk lower greek: alpha, beta, gamma, etc.
wk armenian
wk georgian
wk hebrew
wk hiragana
wk katakana
wk cjk ideographic
wk hollow square
wk diamond
wk club
wk decimal greek
wk custom: unordered list with "-" as default list item marker; this is a convenience style used in order to customize a list item marker with wk list string format LTR or wk list string format RTL without modifying standard list item markers
Margins are the area that is outside the border of an element. They are transparent. The following picture illustrates the various elements that can be configured for a "box" element:
Margin attributes can be applied to the following 4D Write Pro targets:
Text boxes
Note: Sections and subsections use wk page margin attributes; wk margin attributes are only used by documents in embedded mode (see Layout above).
wk inside
When the selected area contains several paragraphs, specifies that the attribute should affect only the corresponding inter-paragraph property (not outside). It applies only to border, padding and margin attributes, and must be added to the specified attribute. See example 2 of the WP SET ATTRIBUTES command.
wk margin
Specifies size for all margins of the element. Possible values:
Size expressed using a number or a string value:
Number: size in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters)
wk none (default): no specific margin
wk margin bottom
Specifies size for bottom margin of the element. Possible values:
Size expressed using a number or a string value:
Number: size in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters)
wk none (default): no specific margin
wk margin left
Specifies size for left margin of the element. Possible values:
Size expressed using a number or a string value:
Number: size in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters)
wk none (default): no specific margin
wk margin right
Specifies size for right margin of the element. Possible values:
Size expressed using a number or a string value:
Number: size in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters)
wk none (default): no specific margin
wk margin top
Specifies size for top margin of the element. Possible values:
Size expressed using a number or a string value:
Number: size in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters)
wk none (default): no specific margin
wk outside
When the selected area contains several paragraphs, specifies that the attribute should affect only the corresponding paragraph external property (not inside). It applies only to border, padding and margin attributes, and must be added to the specified attribute. See example 2 of the WP SET ATTRIBUTES command.
Padding is the white space between the element content and the element border. Padding is affected by the background color of the element.
The following picture illustrates the various elements that can be configured for a "box" element:
Padding attributes can be applied to the following 4D Write Pro targets:
Text boxes
*Applied to cells
wk inside
When the selected area contains several paragraphs, specifies that the attribute should affect only the corresponding inter-paragraph property (not outside). It applies only to border, padding and margin attributes, and must be added to the specified attribute. See example 2 of the WP SET ATTRIBUTES command.
wk outside
When the selected area contains several paragraphs, specifies that the attribute should affect only the corresponding paragraph external property (not inside). It applies only to border, padding and margin attributes, and must be added to the specified attribute. See example 2 of the WP SET ATTRIBUTES command.
wk padding
Specifies size of padding for all sides of the element. Possible values:
Size expressed using a number or a string value:
Number: size in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters)
wk none (default): no specific padding
wk padding bottom
Specifies size of padding for bottom of the element. Possible values:
Size expressed using a number or a string value:
Number: size in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters)
wk none (default): no specific padding
wk padding left
Specifies size of padding for left side of the element. Possible values:
Size expressed using a number or a string value:
Number: size in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters)
wk none (default): no specific padding
wk padding right
Specifies size of padding for right side of the element. Possible values:
Size expressed using a number or a string value:
Number: size in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters)
wk none (default): no specific padding
wk padding top
Specifies size of padding for top of the element. Possible values:
Size expressed using a number or a string value:
Number: size in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters)
Paragraph attributes are used to define properties for the text organization within a paragraph. They can be applied to the following 4D Write Pro targets:
Text boxes
*Applied to paragraphs within elements
wk avoid widows and orphans
Enables or disables the widow and orphan control. When enabled, 4D Write Pro does not allow widows (last line of a paragraph isolated at the top of a page) or orphans (first line of a paragraph isolated at the bottom of a page) in the document. Possible values:
wk true (default): widow and orphan control is enabled
wk false: widow and orphan control is disabled (isolated lines are allowed)
wk mixed when reading the attribute
wk direction
Specifies text direction of paragraph. Possible values:
wk left to right (default)
wk right to left
wk id
ID of the element (header, footer, body, paragraph, image, text box, table, or row). Value type: String
Note: The ID cannot be empty for a text box.
wk keep with next
Links a paragraph with the next so that they cannot be separated by automatic page or column breaks. If applied to a target that is not a paragraph, this option is applied to the paragraphs inside the target. Possible values:
true - Paragraph is linked with the next
false - (default) Paragraph is not linked with the next
If a break is manually added between two linked paragraphs, this attribute is ignored.
If this attribute is applied to the last paragraph of the last cell in a table, the last row of the table is linked to the following paragraph.
wk line height
Specifies space between lines. Possible values:
wk normal (default): use value based upon text size
Height expressed using a number or a string value:
Real: height in wk layout unit.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters) A relative value (percentage %) is also supported.
wk page break inside paragraph
Controls the automatic page break feature inside paragraphs. It applies:
to all the paragraphs inside the target
to the parent paragraph(s) when the target is a text range
Possible values:
wk auto (default): no constraints regarding page breaks inside the paragraph/table
wk avoid: prevents paragraph from being broken into parts on two or more pages (when possible).
wk tab default
Object containing the attributes of the default tab within the target (e.g., paragraph, body, etc.). Default tab attributes can include:
Note: As a shortcut for defining the offset only, you can directly pass a numeric value in the current unit (e.g., 1.5) or a CSS text value (e.g., "3cm"). 4D will construct the tab object automatically.
wk tab stop leadings
COMPATIBILITY NOTE: While this selector continues to work for compatibility purposes, it is recommended to use wk tab default or wk tabs instead.
Specifies the leading characters for tabs in paragraph ranges. Possible values:
Text array
Synchronized with the wk tab stop offsets and wk tab stop types arrays.
wk tab stop offsets
COMPATIBILITY NOTE: While this selector continues to work for compatibility purposes, it is recommended to use wk tab default or wk tabs instead.
Specifies tab offsets for the target. Possible values:
Array of tab offset values COMPATIBILITY NOTE: Previously the last value of the array was the default tab offset value (not an absolute value). As of 4D v17 R5, the last value is an absolute value (not the default value). Use wk tab default to define the default tab value.
Scalar value
Values are expressed using CSS strings (default) or Real values in wk layout unit. Maximum value is 10,000pt.
Synchronized with the wk tab stop leadings and wk tab stop types arrays.
wk tab stop types
COMPATIBILITY NOTE: While this selector continues to work for compatibility purposes, it is recommended to use wk tab default or wk tabs instead.
Specifies tab stop type for the paragraph. Possible values:
array of tab stop type values (if tab stops have been defined through an array).
wk left (default)
wk right
wk center
wk decimal
wk bar
Synchronized with the wk tab stop offsets and wk tab stop leadings arrays.
wk tabs
Collection of tab objects.
Each tab object contains one or more of the following attributes:
Note: As a shortcut for defining the offset only, when using WP SET ATTRIBUTES you can pass a numeric value in the current unit (e.g., 1.5) or a CSS text value (e.g., "3cm") as a collection element. 4D will construct the tab object automatically.
An empty collection is returned by the WP GET ATTRIBUTES command if the target:
contains mixed tab values, or
does not contain absolute values.
wk text align
Specifies horizontal alignment of text in the paragraph. Possible values:
wk left (default)
wk right
wk justify
wk center
wk text indent
Specifies indentation of first line in the paragraph. Possible values:
Real: Size in wk layout unit. Default is 0.
String: CSS string with value and unit concatenated. (e.g.: "12pt" for 12 points, or "1.5cm" for 1.5 centimeters) Minimum value: 0pt, maximum value: 10,000pt.
wk vertical align
Sets vertical alignment of an element. Can be used with characters, paragraphs, pictures, text boxes, tables, table rows, and table columns/cells. Cannot be used with sections or subsections. Possible values:
wk baseline: aligns baseline of element with baseline of parent element
wk top: aligns top of element with top of tallest element on the line
wk bottom: aligns bottom of element with lowest element on the line
wk middle: element is placed in middle of parent element
wk superscript: aligns element as if it were superscript
wk subscript: aligns element as if it were subscript
For characters, wk top and wk bottom have the same effect as wk baseline.
For paragraphs, wk baseline, wk superscript and wk subscript have the same effect as wk top.
For tables, table rows, and table columns/cells, only wk top, wk bottom and wk middle values are supported.
The read/write status of a 4D Write Pro target can be defined using the wk protected attribute. Defining a target as protected makes it uneditable once protection is enabled globally for the document (with the wk protection enabled attribute). Until global protection is enabled, targets with the wk protected attribute set to "true" can still be edited and modified.
The following attribute is used to control the global document protection. It can be applied to the following 4D Write Pro targets:
Text boxes
wk protection enabled
Enables or disables the global protection (read/write) status of a 4D Write Pro document. Possible values:
wk true - Protection is enabled. Protected targets in the document cannot be modified.
wk false - Protection is disabled. (default) All targets in the document can be modified.
The following attribute is used to control the protection status of specific content. It can be applied to the following 4D Write Pro targets:
Text boxes
wk protected
Defines the read/write protection status for a 4D Write Pro target (excluding style sheets). Possible values:
wk true - The target is defined as protected and cannot be modified when global protection is enabled.
wk false - The target is not protected. (default)
wk mixed - (Range targets only). Part of the target is defined as protected. The protected part cannot be modified when global protection is enabled.
Note: Changing the protection status of a parent target will also change the status of any of the target's children.
Specific edit actions are handled in the following situations for protected targets:
Copy / Pastecontent - When protected content is copied, all of its attributes are copied with it. If pasted into a document with global protection:
Enabled - Protection on the pasted content is disabled, allowing it to be modified.
Disabled - Protection on the pasted content remains intact and uneditable.
Modify / Deletepictures
Anchored picture - If protection is enabled on an anchored picture, no deletions or modifications can be made.
Inline picture - If a protected inline picture is embedded within an unprotected paragraph, it can be deleted but its attributes cannot be modified.
Add / Delete rows or columns - Rows and columns can only be added or deleted when protection is disabled for a table. When protection is enabled for a table, no changes are possible.
Delete paragraphs - When located between protected content, an unprotected paragraph can be cleared but not deleted.
These attributes are specific to rows and/or columns. They can be applied to the following 4D Write Pro targets:
Text boxes
wk column count
(Available for tables, documents and sections) Number of columns. Value type: Longint
For a table: read-only attribute
For a document or a section: read-write attribute. Default value=1 (single column). Maximum value=20
wk first column
(Read-only attribute) Number of the first table column included in the range. Value type: Longint
wk first row
(Read-only attribute) Number of the first table row included in the range. Value type: Longint
wk header
Specifies if the row is a header row for the table. The header attribute can be either a boolean (default) or an integer. Possible values:
Boolean: True if the row is a header row. False otherwise.
wk true
wk false
wk mixed
Only one of the first five rows of a table can be set to True (see Repeated headers). If the value is set to True for a row, the attribute is set to True for all the preceding rows.
If the value is set to False for a row, it is also set to False for all the following rows.
wk page break inside row
Controls the automatic page break feature inside table rows. It applies:
to all the rows inside the target
to the parent rows when the target is a text range or a cell range
If this option is applied to a table, it is actually applied to the rows of the table, not the table itself.
This option is not taken into account if wk page break inside table is set to wk avoid.
Possible values:
wk auto (default): a row may be split in two parts when the content of any cell (of the row) does not fit in the page when a physical page break occurs
wk avoid: table rows are never split
wk mixed when reading the attribute
Compatibility note: for documents created with versions lower than v19 R4, the value for each row is set to wk avoid.
wk row count
(Read-only attribute) Total number of rows. Value type: Longint
wk table
(Read-only attribute) The parent table. Value type: Object
wk table ID
(Read-only attribute) ID of the parent table. Value type: String
Section and subsection attributes handle specific section parameters (generic layout parameters also apply to sections and subsections, see Layout above). They can be applied to the following 4D Write Pro targets:
Text boxes
Note: Default values for column, padding, border and background attributes are inherited from the parent object:
for sections, they are based upon document values;
for subsections, they are based upon parent section values if attributes are overridden for the parent section, otherwise document values.
wk end
(Read-only attribute)
Range end offset, or
Section or subsection text end index in the document body (for subsection, text end index of the parent section).
Value type: Longint
wk owner
(Read-only attribute) Owner of the range/object/section/subsection (reference to the document for section/subsection). Value type: Object
wk parent
(Read-only subsection attribute) Parent section of the subsection. Value type: object (section reference).
wk section index
(Read-only section or subsection attribute) Index of the section. Possible values: any integer value >=1
wk section name
Section user name, used to display section name in menus or in the document view (Read-only with subsections). Possible values: String (default is '', which means default display name will be used).
wk start
(Read-only attribute)
Range start offset, or
Section or subsection text start index in the document body (for subsection, text start index of the parent section).
Value type: Longint
wk type
(Read-only attribute) Type of 4D Write Pro object. Possible values:
wk type default: Range or section with not defined type
Style sheet attributes are used to apply existing style sheet objects to the following 4D Write Pro targets:
Text boxes
*Read-only for text boxes, headers and footers, they are managed by 4D Write Pro (there is one style sheet by section header or footer). **Inline pictures only.
wk new line style sheet
Specifies style sheet to use when adding a new line in the paragraph. Possible values:
existing style sheet name
wk none (default)
wk style sheet
Specifies current style sheet for the selected element(s). Possible values:
wk none (default)
existing style sheet name
For information about creating style sheet objects and defining the attributes within them, see Style sheet commands.
Table attributes are specific to tables. They can be applied to the following 4D Write Pro targets:
Text boxes
wk bottom carry over row
Specifies if carry-over rows must be repeated at the bottom of each page/column of a split datasource table but on the last page/column in value display mode (the carry-over row must be created in the table template, see Carry-over rows). Available values:
true: add carry-over rows at the bottom of split tables
false (default): do not add carry-over rows at the bottom of split tables
This feature is only available with tables filled by datasources returning a non-empty collections or entity selections. In any other context, the bottom carry-over row, if designed, is rendered as a regular row.
Note: Carry-over rows are not rendered in Embedded view mode.
wk break formula
4D formula object to use for the sort break row (usually a formula based on an item property like "This.item.name" in order to make sure the value changes and therefore the break row is generated).
wk cell count
Total number of cells in the row. Value type: Longint (value for wk type table row)
wk column count
(Read-only attribute) Total number of columns in the table. Value type: Longint
wk datasource
Specifies the datasource for the table. Possible values:
formula object: the table is associated with a datasource. If the formula returns a non-empty entity selection or collection, rows are duplicated from the template row and automatically filled with data from entities or collection elements (see Table datasource). Otherwise, rows are standard.
null: the table is not associated with a datasource (standard table).
wk first column
(Read-only attribute) Number of the first table column included in the range. Value type: Longint
wk first row
(Read-only attribute) Number of the first table row included in the range. Value type: Longint
wk header row count
(Read/Write) Number of rows of the table with the attribute wk header set to True.
Maximum value is 5. If you pass a value above 5, wk header is set to True for the first five rows only (see Repeated headers).
wk id
ID of the element (header, footer, body, paragraph, image, table, or row). Value type: String
wk page break inside table
Sets whether a table can be split between two rows when it is larger than the page. It applies:
to all the tables inside the target (document, section, table range or element)
by extension, to the parent table(s) when the target is a text range, a row range, or a cell range
Possible values:
wk auto (default): no constraints regarding page breaks inside the table
wk avoid: prevents table from being broken between two rows (when possible)
wk mixed when reading the attribute
wk row count
(Read-only attribute) Total number of rows. Value type: Longint
wk table align
Specifies horizontal alignment for a table. Possible values:
wk left (default)
wk right
wk center
When different attributes are applied to concurrent elements of a table, a priority order is applied for the rendering:
Table is rendered first
Rows are rendered (overriding table attributes)
Cells/Columns are rendered (overriding row attributes).
Text box attributes are used to handle text boxes inserted or added in the area. They can be applied to the following 4D Write Pro targets:
Text boxes
wk anchor horizontal align
Defines the horizontal alignment of an image or a text box relative to the origin (see wk anchor origin). Possible values:
wk left - left align
wk center - center align (not compatible with HTML, images are not displayed on the web)
wk right - right align
wk anchor horizontal offset
Defines the horizontal offset of an image or a text box expressed in a CSS dimension string or longint (cm or pt or pixel) from wk layout unit. Possible values:
Left or right limit of the page relative to the wk anchor horizontal align
Left or right limit of body in embedded mode (if wk anchor section = wk anchor embedded)
Default value = 0.
wk anchor layout
Defines the layout position of an image or a text box relative to the text on a page. Possible values:
wk behind text - image or text box is anchored, behind the text
wk in front of text - image or text box is anchored, in front of the text
wk inline with text - image is inline with text (default for images inserted with WP INSERT PICTURE). Not available for text boxes. Read-only attribute (inline pictures cannot be converted to anchored pictures by programming).
wk anchor origin
Defines if image or text box is anchored to the page, header or footer. Possible values:
wk paper box (default) - image or text box is anchored to the edge of the page
wk header box - image or text box is anchored to the document header. If the header is not visible, image or text box is not displayed.
wk footer box - image or text box is anchored to the document footer. If the footer is not visible, image or text box is not displayed.
This selector is ignored in embedded mode.
wk anchor page
Defines the page index or the type of page an image or a text box is anchored to. Possible values:
wk anchor all - anchors an image or a text box to all pages of the section(s) defined by wk anchor section
wk anchor first page - anchors an image or a text box to the first page subsection of the section(s) defined by wk anchor section
wk anchor left page - anchors an image or a text box to the left pages subsection of the section(s) defined by wk anchor section
wk anchor right page - anchors an image or a text box to the right pages subsection of the section(s) defined by wk anchor section
a number (Longint >= 0) indicating which page to anchor the image or text box to. In this case, wk anchor section = wk anchor all. Section anchoring is ignored if an image or a text box is anchored to a single page.
Note: Images and Text boxes in Page mode are not displayed in browsers.
wk anchor section
Defines the section index or the type of section that an image or a text box is anchored to. Possible values:
wk anchor all (default) - anchors an image or a text box to all sections in a document (image or text box is only visible in page mode)
wk anchor embedded - anchors an image or a text box to the document body in embedded mode (image or text box is only visible in embedded mode)
a number (Longint >= 1) indicating the section to anchor the image or text box to (image or text box is only visible in page mode).
Note: Images or text boxes in Page mode are not displayed in browsers.
wk anchor vertical align
Defines the vertical alignment of an image or a text box relative to the origin (see wk anchor origin). Possible values:
wk top - top align
wk center - middle align (not compatible with HTML, images are not displayed in browsers)
wk bottom - bottom align
wk anchor vertical offset
Defines the vertical postion of an image or a text box expressed in a CSS dimension string or number (cm or pt or pixel). Possible values:
Top, center or bottom limit of the page (see wk anchor origin) or
Top, center or bottom limit of body in embedded mode (if wk anchor section = wk anchor embedded).
Default value = 0.
wk id
ID of the element (header, footer, body, paragraph, image, text box, table, or row). Value type: String
Note: The ID cannot be empty for a text box.
wk owner
(Read-only attribute) Owner of the range/object/section/subsection (reference to the document for section/subsection). Value type: Object
wk protected
Defines the read/write protection status for a 4D Write Pro target (excluding style sheets). Possible values:
wk true - The target is defined as protected and cannot be modified when global protection is enabled.
wk false - The target is not protected. (default)
wk mixed - (Range targets only). Part of the target is defined as protected. The protected part cannot be modified when global protection is enabled.
Note: Changing the protection status of a parent target will also change the status of any of the target's children.
wk style sheet
Specifies current style sheet for the selected element(s). Possible values:
wk none (default)
existing style sheet name
wk type
Type of 4D Write Pro object. Possible values:
wk type default: Range or section with not defined type
wk type character: Character type
wk type paragraph: Paragraph type range
wk type image: Image (anchored and inline)
wk type container: Header or footer, for instance
wk type table: Table reference
wk type text box: Text box
For ranges of cells, columns and rows only:
wk type table row: Table row reference
wk type table cell: Table cell reference
wk type table column: Table column reference
For subsections only:
wk first page: First page subsection
wk right page: Right page subsection
wk left page: Left page subsection
For tabs only, value used in the object for wk tab default or the objects of the collection for wk tabs:
wk left: Aligns tab to the left
wk right: Aligns tab to the right
wk center: Aligns tab to the center
wk decimal: Aligns tab on the decimal
wk bar: Inserts vertical bar at tab position
wk vertical align
Sets vertical alignment of an element. Can be used with characters, paragraphs, pictures, text boxes, tables, table rows, and table columns/cells. Cannot be used with sections or subsections. Possible values:
wk baseline: aligns baseline of element with baseline of parent element
wk top: aligns top of element with top of tallest element on the line
wk bottom: aligns bottom of element with lowest element on the line
wk middle: element is placed in middle of parent element
wk superscript: aligns element as if it were superscript
wk subscript: aligns element as if it were subscript
For characters, wk top and wk bottom have the same effect as wk baseline.
For paragraphs, wk baseline, wk superscript and wk subscript have the same effect as wk top.
For tables, table rows, and table columns/cells, only wk top, wk bottom and wk middle values are supported.