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4D v20
4D Write Pro Constants
Constant | Type | Value | Comment | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
_o_wk list font family | String | listFont | See wk list font. |
wk 4D Write Pro layout | Longint | 0 | Standard 4D Write Pro layout, which can include some specific style attributes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk 4wp | Longint | 4 | 4D Write Pro document is saved in a native archive format (zipped HTML and images saved in a separate folder). 4D specific tags are included and 4D expressions are not computed. This format is particularly suitable for saving and archiving 4D Write Pro documents on disk without any loss. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk always | Longint | 3 | Formulas displayed as references or values are highlighted (value for wk formula highlight) |
wk anchor all | Longint | -1 | Image anchor value for wk anchor section and wk anchor page | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk anchor embedded | Longint | -2 | Image anchor value for wk anchor section | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk anchor first page | Longint | -2 | Image anchor value for wk anchor page | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk anchor horizontal align | String | anchorHorizontalAlign | Defines the horizontal alignment of an image or a text box relative to the origin (see wk anchor origin). Possible values:
wk anchor horizontal offset | String | anchorHorizontalOffset | Defines the horizontal offset of an image or a text box expressed in a CSS dimension string or longint (cm or pt or pixel) from wk layout unit. Possible values:
Default value = 0. |
wk anchor layout | String | anchorLayout | Defines the layout position of an image or a text box relative to the text on a page. Possible values:
wk anchor left page | Longint | -3 | Image anchor value for wk anchor page | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk anchor origin | String | anchorOrigin | Defines if image or text box is anchored to the page, header or footer. Possible values:
This selector is ignored in embedded mode. |
wk anchor page | String | anchorPage | Defines the page index or the type of page an image or a text box is anchored to. Possible values:
Note: Images and Text boxes in Page mode are not displayed in browsers. |
wk anchor right page | Longint | -4 | Image anchor value for wk anchor page | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk anchor section | String | anchorSection | Defines the section index or the type of section that an image or a text box is anchored to. Possible values:
Note: Images or text boxes in Page mode are not displayed in browsers. |
wk anchor vertical align | String | anchorVerticalAlign | Defines the vertical alignment of an image or a text box relative to the origin (see wk anchor origin). Possible values:
wk anchor vertical offset | String | anchorVerticalOffset | Defines the vertical postion of an image or a text box expressed in a CSS dimension string or number (cm or pt or pixel). Possible values:
Default value = 0. |
wk append | Longint | 2 | Insert contents at end of target | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk armenian | Longint | 19 | Traditional Armenian numbering style used (value for wk list style type) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk author | String | author | Specifies name of author of the document (string) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk auto | Longint | 0 | Value of property (constant) to which it is applied is adjusted automatically according to content or context of the element. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk avoid | Longint | 1 | Option value for _o_wk page break inside | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk avoid widows and orphans | String | avoidWidowsAndOrphans | Enables or disables the widow and orphan control. When enabled, 4D Write Pro does not allow widows (last line of a paragraph isolated at the top of a page) or orphans (first line of a paragraph isolated at the bottom of a page) in the document. Possible values:
wk background clip | String | backgroundClip | Specifies painting area of background. Possible values:
wk background color | String | backgroundColor | Specifies background color of an element. Possible values:
Default for documents is "#FFFFFF" and wk transparent, or "transparent" for paragraphs and images. |
wk background display mode | String | backgroundDisplayMode | Sets the display mode of images used as background, based on a preset of the following "real" attribute values: wk background origin, wk background repeat, wk background position horizontal, wk background position vertical, wk background width, wk background height
Possible values:
Note: The origin rectangle is set to the padding box (the image rectangle including the padding area but excluding the border area).
When getting the value of this attribute, the returned value is either:
wk background height | String | backgroundHeight | Specifies vertical size of background image. Possible values:
wk background image | String | backgroundImage | Specifies a background image reference. Can be any valid image such as a 4D picture variable or expression.
Use wk background image url if you want to handle pictures through URLs or local URIs. |
wk background image url | String | backgroundImageURL | Background image defined through a URL (string). Can be a network URL, a data URI, or a local file URL (absolute or relative to the structure file).
Use wk background image if you want to handle background images as picture expressions. |
wk background origin | String | backgroundOrigin | Specifies where background image is positioned. Possible values:
wk background position horizontal | String | backgroundPositionHorizontal | Specifies horizontal starting position of a background image. Possible values:
wk background position vertical | String | backgroundPositionVertical | Specifies vertical starting position of a background image. Possible values:
wk background repeat | String | backgroundRepeat | Specifies if and how a background image is repeated. Possible values:
wk background width | String | backgroundWidth | Specifies horizontal size of background image. Possible values:
wk bar | Longint | 4 | Inserts a vertical bar at tab position (value for wk type and wk tab stop types) |
wk baseline | Longint | 4 | Aligns baseline of element with baseline of parent element (value for wk vertical align) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk behind text | Longint | 0 | value for wk anchor layout | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk body | Longint | 0 | Body frame of the section | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk border box | Longint | 0 | Background is clipped to the border box (value for wk background clip) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk border color | String | borderColor | Sets color of all four borders. Possible values:
Default is "#000000" (if string value). If there are multiple colors, WP GET ATTRIBUTES returns an empty string. |
wk border color bottom | String | borderColorBottom | Sets color of bottom border. Possible values: |
wk border color left | String | borderColorLeft | Sets color of left border. Possible values: |
wk border color right | String | borderColorRight | Sets color of right border. Possible values: |
wk border color top | String | borderColorTop | Sets color of top border. Possible values: |
wk border radius | String | borderRadius | Specifies a rounded border. Possible values:
wk border style | String | borderStyle | Specifies style of all four borders. Possible values:
wk border style bottom | String | borderStyleBottom | Specifies style of bottom border. Possible values:
wk border style left | String | borderStyleLeft | Specifies style of left border. Possible values:
wk border style right | String | borderStyleRight | Specifies style of right border. Possible values:
wk border style top | String | borderStyleTop | Specifies style of top border. Possible values:
wk border width | String | borderWidth | Specifies width of all four borders. You need to specify the border style before setting the border width. Possible values:
wk border width bottom | String | borderWidthBottom | Specifies width of bottom border. Possible values:
wk border width left | String | borderWidthLeft | Specifies width of left border. Possible values:
wk border width right | String | borderWidthRight | Specifies width of right border. Possible values:
wk border width top | String | borderWidthTop | Specifies width of top border. Possible values:
wk bottom | Longint | 1 | Sets position of background image (value for wk background position v) or bottom of element aligned with lowest element on line (value for wk vertical align) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk bottom carry over row | String | bottomCarryOverRow | Specifies if carry-over rows must be repeated at the bottom of each page/column of a split datasource table but on the last page/column in value display mode (the carry-over row must be created in the table template, see Carry-over rows). Available values:
This feature is only available with tables filled by datasources returning a non-empty collections or entity selections. In any other context, the bottom carry-over row, if designed, is rendered as a regular row.
Note: Carry-over rows are not rendered in Embedded view mode. |
wk break formula | String | breakFormula | 4D formula object to use for the sort break row (usually a formula based on an item property like "" in order to make sure the value changes and therefore the break row is generated). |
wk break paragraphs in formulas | String | breakParagraphsInFormulas | Defines if carriage returns (CR) returned by formulas are treated as paragraph breaks. Possible values:
Note: If a formula uses .pageNumber or .pageCount, the attribute is ignored, carriage returns are always interpreted as line breaks. |
wk break type | String | breakType | (Read-only attribute) Type of break within a break range object returned by WP Get breaks. Possible values:
wk capitalize | Longint | 1 | Transforms first character of every word to uppercase (value for wk text transform) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk case insensitive | Longint | 2 | Strings are compared with no consideration of capitalization differences. Note that diacritical marks are taken into consideration. For example, "A" is considered the same as "a", however "a" is not considered the same as "à". |
wk cell count | String | cellCount | Total number of cells in the row. Value type: Longint (value for wk type table row) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk center | Longint | 2 | Centers text or image (value for wk background position h, wk text align, wk type, and/or wk tab stop types) |
wk CID host domain name | String | cidHostDomain | CID host domain name: host domain that will be added to generated CID URLs including an '@' as separator. Available only when the wk mime html format is used. |
wk circle | Longint | 11 | Circle-shaped glyph used (value for wk list style type) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk cjk ideographic | Longint | 24 | Plain ideographic numbers used (value for wk list style type) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk club | Longint | 27 | Club-shaped glyph used (value for wk list style type) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk column break | Longint | 3 | Column break: inserts a column break | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk column count | String | columnCount | (Available for tables, documents and sections) Number of columns. Value type: Longint
wk column rule color | String | columnRuleColor | Vertical column rule color. Possible values: |
wk column rule style | String | columnRuleStyle | Vertical column rule style. Possible values:
wk column rule width | String | columnRuleWidth | Vertical column rule width. Possible values:
wk column spacing | String | columnSpacing | (For documents or sections only) Spacing between two columns. Possible values:
wk column width | String | columnWidth | (For documents or sections only) Read-only attribute. Current width for each column, i.e. computed width based upon actual page width, page margins, column count and column spacing. For the document, uses the default section column width, so can be different from the actual column width of section(s) if some attributes are overriden in a section. Possible values:
wk comma | String | comma | Use comma character (value for wk tab decimal separator) |
wk company | String | company | Specifies a company associated with the document (string) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk contain | Longint | -1 | Scales image to largest size such that its width and height fits inside content area (value for wk background size h and/or wk background size v) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk content box | Longint | 2 | Background clipped to content box (value for wk background clip) or background image starts from upper left corner of content (value for wk background origin) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk continuous section break | Longint | 5 | Defines a continuous section break (often used to change the number of columns without starting a new page). |
wk cover | Longint | -2 | Scales background image to smallest size so that background area is completely covered by it (value for wk background size h and/or wk background size v) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk current page footer | Longint | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk current page header | Longint | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk current section default footer | Longint | 10 | Default footer of the section (available only if there is no active subsection footer) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk current section default header | Longint | 9 | Default header of the section (available only if there is no active subsection header) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk current section first footer | Longint | 4 | Footer of the first page of the section | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk current section first header | Longint | 3 | Header of the first page of the section | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk current section left footer | Longint | 6 | Footer of the left page(s) of the section | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk current section left header | Longint | 5 | Header of the left page(s) of the section | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk current section right footer | Longint | 8 | Footer of the right page(s) of the section | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk current section right header | Longint | 7 | Header of the right page(s) of the section | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk custom | Longint | 29 | Custom marker used (value for wk list style type) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk dashed | Longint | 3 | Dashed line used (value for wk text linethrough style and/or wk text underline style) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk datasource | String | dataSource | Specifies the datasource for the table. Possible values:
wk date creation | String | dateCreation | Returns creation date of document (date). This value is read-only and cannot be set. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk date modified | String | dateModified | Returns last modification date of document (date). This value is read-only and cannot be set. Note that this value is dynamically updated each time the document contents are edited, but not when the document is opened or saved. |
wk debug format | Longint | 1 | Formatted HTML code ("pretty print"), easier to debug |
wk decimal | Longint | 3 | Decimal alignment (value for wk type and wk tab stop types) or numbers used (value for wk list style type) |
wk decimal greek | Longint | 28 | Greek numerals used (value for wk list style type) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk decimal leading zero | Longint | 13 | Decimal numbers padded with initial zeros used (value for wk list style type) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk default | Longint | -1 | Default value of property (constant) is used. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk default paragraph style sheet | Longint | 1 | The style by default of paragraphs in 4D Write Pro documents. |
wk diacritic insensitive | Longint | 4 | Strings are compared but the diacritical mark (e.g., accent or symbol) of letters is ignored. For example, "a" is considered the same as "à". |
wk diamond | Longint | 26 | Diamond-shaped glyph used (value for wk list style type) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk direction | String | direction | Specifies text direction of paragraph. Possible values:
wk disc | Longint | 10 | Filled circle marker used (value for wk list style type) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk display formula as symbol | String | displayFormulaAsSymbol | Displays formula references as a |
wk do not recompute expressions | Longint | 2 | Specifies that all expressions in the document are not recomputed before printing or freezing. |
wk docx | Longint | 7 | .docx extension. 4D Write Pro document is saved in Microsoft Word format. Certified support for Microsoft Word 2010 and newer. The document parts exported are:
wk dotted | Longint | 2 | Dotted line or border used (value for wk border style, wk text linethrough style and/or wk text underline style) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk double | Longint | 4 | Double line or border used (value for wk border style, wk text linethrough style and/or wk text underline style) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk dpi | String | dpi | DPI used for internal pixels <-> points conversion (integer). Always 96 (read-only). Do not confuse this internal attribute with the standard "dpi" action that allows modifying or reading the DPI of the current view of the document. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk embedded pictures | String | embeddedPictures | For SVG Export only. Sets whether pictures are embedded in the exported .svg file when you call WP EXPORT DOCUMENT. Available values:
wk end | String | end | (Read-only attribute)
Value type: Longint |
wk end text | Longint | 0 | Sets end of document as end of text range | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk exclude from range | Longint | 1 | Inserted contents not included in updated range | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk expressions as source | Longint | 1 | The original string of 4D expression references is returned. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk expressions as space | Longint | 2 | Each reference is returned as a non-breaking space character. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk expressions as value | Longint | 0 | 4D expression references are returned in their evaluated form. (default if option if not passed). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk false | Longint | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk find first | Longint | 32768 | Find or replace only the first occurrence of the string. |
wk find reverse | Longint | 65536 | Search is performed in reverse order. |
wk first column | String | firstColumn | (Read-only attribute) Number of the first table column included in the range. Value type: Longint | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk first page | Longint | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk first row | String | firstRow | (Read-only attribute) Number of the first table row included in the range. Value type: Longint | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk font | String | font | Specifies complete font name with styles, as returned by the FONT STYLE LIST command. If you set an invalid font name, the command does nothing. Default value: "Times New Roman". | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk font bold | String | fontBold | Specifies thickness of text (depends on available font styles). Possible values:
wk font default | String | fontDefault | Object defining the default substitution font(s) for the document (i.e. fonts to be used instead of document fonts that are not available in the OS). It contains:
wk font family | String | fontFamily | Specifies font family name as defined by wk font. Default value is "Times New Roman". An empty string is returned by the WP GET ATTRIBUTES command if the selected characters contain different font family properties. |
wk font italic | String | fontItalic | Specifies italic style of text (depends on available font styles). Possible values:
wk font size | String | fontSize | Specifies font size for text. Possible values (in points only):
wk footer box | Longint | 1 | Image anchor value for wk anchor origin | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk formula highlight | String | formulaHighlight | Formula highlight view mode. Possible values:
Highlighted formula color can be set by wk formula highlight color. |
wk formula highlight color | String | formulaHighlightColor | Color of highlighted formulas (see wk formula highlight). Possible values:
wk freeze expressions | Longint | 64 | Freeze expressions at the moment of the insertion | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk georgian | Longint | 20 | Traditional Georgian numbering used (value for wk list style type) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk google fonts tag | String | googleFontsTag | For SVG export only. Sets the import rule for google fonts in the exported SVG. Possible values:
Note: This property is set to false by default because when enabled, Google fonts override native fonts, and native fonts are generally better rendered in the browser. |
wk groove | Longint | 6 | 3D grooved border used (value for wk border style) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk header | String | header | Specifies if the row is a header row for the table. The header attribute can be either a boolean (default) or an integer. Possible values:
Only one of the first five rows of a table can be set to True (see Repeated headers). If the value is set to True for a row, the attribute is set to True for all the preceding rows. If the value is set to False for a row, it is also set to False for all the following rows. |
wk header and footer autofit | String | headerAndFooterAutoFit | Specifies if the height of a 4D Write Pro document's headers and footers resize automatically to avoid truncating their contents.
Possible values:
wk header box | Longint | 0 | Image anchor value for wk anchor origin | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk header row count | String | headerRowCount | (Read/Write) Number of rows of the table with the attribute wk header set to True. Maximum value is 5. If you pass a value above 5, wk header is set to True for the first five rows only (see Repeated headers). |
wk header rows | String | headerRows | Parameter for the WP Table get rows command to return header rows of a table. |
wk hebrew | Longint | 21 | Traditional Hebrew numbering used (value for wk list style type) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk height | String | height | Sets height of element. The height property does not include padding, borders, or margins; it sets the height of the area inside the padding, border, and margin of the element. Possible values:
The wk height attribute is overridden by wk min height (if defined). |
wk hidden | Longint | 5 | No border used. Same as none (no border) except it takes precedence over all other conflicting borders (value for wk border style) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk hiragana | Longint | 22 | Traditional Hiragana numbering used (value for wk list style type) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk hollow square | Longint | 25 | Hollow square glyph used (value for wk list style type) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk HTML pretty print | String | htmlPrettyPrint | HTML code is formatted to be easier to read. |
wk html wysiwyg | Longint | 1 | In this layout, any 4D Write Pro advanced attributes which are not compliant with all browsers are removed (e.g. columns, double underlines...) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk id | String | id | ID of the element (header, footer, body, paragraph, image, text box, table, or row). Value type: String Note: The ID cannot be empty for a text box. |
wk image | String | image | Specifies an image reference. Can be any valid image such as a 4D picture variable or expression.
Use wk image url if you want to handle pictures through URLs or local URIs. |
wk image alternate text | String | imageAlternateText | Specifies alternative text for image, if image cannot be displayed. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk image display mode | String | imageDisplayMode | Sets the display mode of anchored and inline images. Possible values:
Note: The origin and clipping rectangles are always set to the content box (the image rectangle excluding the padding and border area).
Use wk background display mode if you want to set the display mode of images used as background. |
wk image expression | String | imageExpression | Specifies an anchored image defined through a 4D expression. Note:
wk image formula | String | imageFormula | Specifies an anchored image defined through a 4D formula object.
wk image url | String | imageURL | Specifies an image defined through a URL (string). Can be a network URL or a data URI, absolute or relative to the structure file.
Use wk image if you want to handle images as picture expressions. |
wk import html expressions as text | Longint | 1 | Import HTML expressions as raw text between ##htmlBegin## and ##htmlEnd## tags. |
wk import log | String | importLog | Log object containing information about the .docx import operation. Properties are read-only and cannot be set:
Warning: importLog is a custom attribute, thus the wk import log constant cannot be used by WP SET ATTRIBUTES, WP GET ATTRIBUTES or WP RESET ATTRIBUTES command (for more information, see Using custom attributes). |
wk in front of text | Longint | 1 | Image layout value for wk anchor layout | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk include in range | Longint | 0 | Inserted contents included in updated range (default) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk inherit style from paragraph | Longint | 32 | Inserted contents inherits character style from the paragraph default character style. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk inline with text | Longint | -1 | Image layout value for wk anchor layout | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk inset | Longint | 8 | 3D inset border used (value for wk border style) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk inside | String | Inside | When the selected area contains several paragraphs, specifies that the attribute should affect only the corresponding inter-paragraph property (not outside). It applies only to border, padding and margin attributes, and must be added to the specified attribute. See example 2 of the WP SET ATTRIBUTES command. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk justify | Longint | 5 | Available for 4D Write Pro areas only | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk kana insensitive | Longint | 8 | For Japanese language. Strings are compared according to the meaning (not the writing style). For example, "あ" is considered the same as "ア". When this option is set, wk width insensitive is implicit (considered set), however, the opposite is not true. |
wk katakana | Longint | 23 | Traditional Katakana numbering used (value for wk list style type) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk keep character style | Longint | 262144 | When replacing text, the existing character style is retained (if possible). |
wk keep paragraph styles | Longint | 128 | Apply destination paragraph styles. In case of wk append operation, insert contents without initial paragraph break. |
wk keep with next | String | keepWithNext | Links a paragraph with the next so that they cannot be separated by automatic page or column breaks. If applied to a target that is not a paragraph, this option is applied to the paragraphs inside the target. Possible values:
If a break is manually added between two linked paragraphs, this attribute is ignored. If this attribute is applied to the last paragraph of the last cell in a table, the last row of the table is linked to the following paragraph.
wk landscape | Longint | 1 | Value for wk page orientation attribute | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk layout unit | String | userUnit | Specifies unit of dimension by default for the document when a value is set or get as a number. Designates unit for the ruler as well as for dimension attributes such as wk width, except for wk font size, wk border width (and its variations), wk border radius and wk text shadow offset for which the unit for number values is always the point. Possible values:
Note: When a unit that is not supported by the ruler is selected through this attribute (i.e. wk unit px or wk unit percent), the ruler then uses the cm unit. |
wk leading | String | leading | Leading character attribute for the object using wk tab default or objects in the collection using wk tabs. |
wk left | Longint | 0 | Aligns text or tab to the left (value for wk text align, wk type, or wk tab stop types) or sets starting position of background image (value for wk background position h) |
wk left page | Longint | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk left to right | Longint | 0 | Left-to-right text/writing direction used (value for wk direction) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk line break | Longint | 0 | Line break (in the same paragraph) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk line height | String | lineHeight | Specifies space between lines. Possible values:
wk link url | String | linkUrl | Hyperlink assigned to the range. Possible values:
wk list auto | Longint | 2147483647 | Restores/applies automatic list style values | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk list font | String | listFont | Specifies complete font name, as returned by the FONT STYLE LIST command, to display the list item marker (but not the paragraph text). If the system does not recognize the font name, it handles the substitution. If you set an invalid font name, the command does nothing. Default value: "Times". | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk list start number | String | listStartNumber | Sets starting value of an ordered list. Possible values:
wk list string format LTR | String | listStringFormatLtr | List item marker string format for left-to-right paragraph direction. If defined, it overrides default list item marker string format for the list.
wk list string format RTL | String | listStringFormatRtl | List item marker string format for right-to-left paragraph direction. If defined, it overrides default list item marker string format for the list.
wk list style image | String | listStyleImage | Specifies an image reference as the list item marker in an unordered list. Possible values:
Use wk list style image url if you want to handle pictures through URLs or local URIs. |
wk list style image height | String | listStyleImageHeight | Sets height of image used as list item marker. Possible values:
wk list style image url | String | imageURL | Image as the list item marker in an unordered list, defined through a URL (string). Possible values:
Use wk list style image if you want to handle list item marker images as picture expressions. |
wk list style type | String | listStyleType | Specifies type of ordered or unordered list item marker. Possible values are:
wk lower greek | Longint | 18 | Lowercase classical Greek used (value for wk list style type) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk lower latin | Longint | 14 | Lowercase ASCII letters used (value for wk list style type) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk lower roman | Longint | 15 | Lowercase Roman numerals used (value for wk list style type) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk lowercase | Longint | 2 | Changes all characters to lowercase (value for wk text transform) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk margin | String | margin | Specifies size for all margins of the element. Possible values:
wk margin bottom | String | marginBottom | Specifies size for bottom margin of the element. Possible values:
wk margin left | String | marginLeft | Specifies size for left margin of the element. Possible values:
wk margin right | String | marginRight | Specifies size for right margin of the element. Possible values:
wk margin top | String | marginTop | Specifies size for top margin of the element. Possible values:
wk max picture DPI | String | maxPictureDPI | Used for resampling (reducing) images to preferred resolution. For SVG images in Windows, used for rasterization. Default values:
Maximum possible value: 1440 |
wk middle | Longint | 2 | Sets position of background image (value for wk background position v) or places element in middle of parent element (value for wk vertical align) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk mime html | Longint | 1 | 4D Write Pro document is saved as standard MIME HTML with HTML documents and images embedded as MIME parts (encoded in base64). Expressions are computed and 4D specific tags and method links are removed. Only text boxes anchored to embedded view are exported (as divs). This format is particularly suitable for sending HTML emails with the command. |
wk min height | String | minHeight | Sets minimum height of the element. It prevents the value of the wk height property from becoming smaller than wk min height. Possible values:
The wk min height value overrides the wk height attribute. |
wk min width | String | minWidth | Sets minimum width of element. It prevents the value of the wk width property from becoming smaller than wk min width. Possible values:
The wk min width value overrides the wk width attribute. |
wk mixed | Longint | -2147483648 | Returned when there are different values for an attribute in the range or document | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk modified | String | modified | Indicates if the document has been modified since its associated object was created (see below). Possible values:
This property is always set to false when the object containing the document is created (i.e. with WP Import document, WP New, an object copy or when the object field/attribute is loaded from the database). It is automatically set to true by 4D Write Pro as soon as a modification is done to the contents of the document, whatever the origin of the modification (user action or programming).
wk name | String | name | Style sheet name |
wk never | Longint | 0 | Formulas are never highlighted, whatever their display mode (value for wk formula highlight) |
wk new line style sheet | String | newLineStyleSheet | Specifies style sheet to use when adding a new line in the paragraph. Possible values:
wk no repeat | Longint | 3 | Background image will not be repeated (value for wk background repeat) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk none | Longint | 0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk normal | Longint | 0 | Standard HTML code | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk notes | String | notes | Specifies comments about the document (string). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk offset | String | offset | Position attribute for the object using wk tab default or objects in the collection using wk tabs. |
wk optimized for | String | optimizedFor | Defines how an exported document is optimized based on its intended medium. Possible values:
Note: Documents exported in wk docx format are always optimized for wk print (wk optimized for option is ignored). |
wk outset | Longint | 9 | 3D outset border used (value for wk border style) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk outside | String | Outside | When the selected area contains several paragraphs, specifies that the attribute should affect only the corresponding paragraph external property (not inside). It applies only to border, padding and margin attributes, and must be added to the specified attribute. See example 2 of the WP SET ATTRIBUTES command. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk override protected | Longint | 131072 | Read/write protection is ignored and strings in protected areas can be replaced. |
wk owner | String | owner | (Read-only attribute) Owner of the range/object/section/subsection (reference to the document for section/subsection). Value type: Object | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk padding | String | padding | Specifies size of padding for all sides of the element. Possible values:
wk padding bottom | String | paddingBottom | Specifies size of padding for bottom of the element. Possible values:
wk padding box | Longint | 1 | Background clipped to padding box (value for wk background clip) or background image starts from upper left corner of padding edge (value for wk background origin) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk padding left | String | paddingLeft | Specifies size of padding for left side of the element. Possible values:
wk padding right | String | paddingRight | Specifies size of padding for right side of the element. Possible values:
wk padding top | String | paddingTop | Specifies size of padding for top of the element. Possible values:
wk page break | Longint | 2 | Page break: defines a new page | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk page break inside paragraph | String | pageBreakInsideParagraph | Controls the automatic page break feature inside paragraphs. It applies:
Possible values:
wk page break inside row | String | pageBreakInsideRow | Controls the automatic page break feature inside table rows. It applies:
If this option is applied to a table, it is actually applied to the rows of the table, not the table itself. This option is not taken into account if wk page break inside table is set to wk avoid. Possible values:
Compatibility note: for documents created with versions lower than v19 R4, the value for each row is set to wk avoid. |
wk page break inside table | String | pageBreakInsideTable | Sets whether a table can be split between two rows when it is larger than the page. It applies:
Possible values:
wk page first number | String | pageFirstNumber | Page number of the first page of the section or document (Read-only with subsections). Possible values: any integer value >=1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk page first right | String | pageFirstRight | The first page of the document is a right page (Read-only with section or subsection). Possible values: |
wk page height | String | pageHeight | Page height (in page mode) expressed using a real or string value (Read-only with section or subsection). Possible values:
wk page index | String | pageIndex | For SVG export only. Index of the page to export to svg format (default is 1). Page index starts at 1 for the first page of the document. Note: Page index is independent from page numbering. |
wk page margin | String | pageMargin | Size for all margins of the page (page mode). Default is 2.5cm. Possible values:
wk page margin bottom | String | pageMarginBottom | Size for bottom margin of the page (page mode). Possible values:
wk page margin left | String | pageMarginLeft | Size for left margin of the page (page mode). Possible values:
wk page margin right | String | pageMarginRight | Size for right margin of the page (page mode). Possible values:
wk page margin top | String | pageMarginTop | Size for top margin of the page (page mode). Possible values:
wk page orientation | String | pageOrientation | Orientation of the page. Possible values:
wk page size | String | pageSize | Document page size (standard action) |
wk page view mode | String | pageMode | Mode for displaying the 4D Write Pro document in the form area onscreen. Possible values (string):
wk page width | String | pageWidth | Page width (in page mode) expressed using a real or string value (Read-only with section or subsection). Possible values:
wk paper box | Longint | 3 | Background is painted to the paper edge (value for wk background clip) or image starts at the paper edge (value for wk background origin and wk anchor origin). For documents and sections only. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk paragraph break | Longint | 4 | Paragraph break: defines a new paragraph | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk parent | String | parent | (Read-only subsection attribute) Parent section of the subsection. Value type: object (section reference). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk pdf | Longint | 5 | .pdf extension. 4D Write Pro document is saved in PDF format, based on Page view mode.
The following metadata is exported in a PDF document:
wk point | String | point | Use point character (value for wk tab decimal separator) |
wk point or comma | String | pointOrComma | Use the first dot or comma from the right (value for wk tab decimal separator) |
wk portrait | Longint | 0 | Value for wk page orientation attribute | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk prepend | Longint | 1 | Insert contents at beginning of target | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk print | String | Selector for wk optimized for. |
wk proportional | String | proportional | When used as value of wk image display mode, the image is aligned at the top left of the content box, not replicated, scaled to fit the content box, and it keeps its aspect ratio.
When used as value of wk background display mode, presets the following attributes:
wk proportional centered | String | proportionalCentered | When used as value of wk image display mode, the image is centered in the content box, not replicated, scaled to fit the content box and it keeps its aspect ratio.
When used as value of wk background display mode, presets the following attributes:
wk protected | String | protected | Defines the read/write protection status for a 4D Write Pro target (excluding style sheets). Possible values:
Note: |
wk protection enabled | String | protectionEnabled | Enables or disables the global protection (read/write) status of a 4D Write Pro document. Possible values:
wk recompute expressions | Longint | 0 | Specifies that all expressions in the document are recomputed before printing or freezing (default value). |
wk recompute formulas | String | recomputeFormulas | Defines if formulas must be recomputed when exported. Possible values:
wk references | Longint | 1 | Formulas displayed as references are highlighted (value for wk formula highlight) |
wk repeat | Longint | 0 | Background image repeated both vertically and horizontally (value for wk background repeat) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk repeat x | Longint | 1 | Background image repeated only horizontally (value for wk background repeat) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk repeat y | Longint | 2 | Background image repeated only vertically (value for wk background repeat) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk replace | Longint | 0 | Replace target contents | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk replicated | String | replicated | When used as value of wk image display mode, the image is aligned at the top left of the content box, replicated, and keeps its original size.
When used as value of wk background display mode, presets the following attributes:
wk replicated centered | String | replicatedCentered | When used as value of wk image display mode, the image is centered in the content box, replicated, and keeps its original size.
When used as value of wk background display mode, presets the following attributes:
wk resolution | String | dpi | Screen resolution for the contents of the 4D Write Pro area. Possible values:
wk ridge | Longint | 7 | 3D ridged border used (value for wk border style) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk right | Longint | 1 | Aligns text or tab to the right (value for wk text align, wk type, or wk tab stop types) or sets starting position of background image (value for wk background position h) |
wk right page | Longint | 3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk right to left | Longint | 1 | Right-to-left direction used (value for wk direction) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk row count | String | rowCount | (Read-only attribute) Total number of rows. Value type: Longint | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk scaled to fit | String | scaledToFit | When used as value of wk image display mode, the image is scaled to fit the content box and is not replicated.
When used as value of wk background display mode, modifies the following attributes:
wk screen | String | screen | Selector for wk optimized for. |
wk section break | Longint | 1 | Section break: defines a new section | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk section index | String | sectionIndex | (Read-only section or subsection attribute) Index of the section. Possible values: any integer value >=1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk section name | String | sectionName | Section user name, used to display section name in menus or in the document view (Read-only with subsections). Possible values: String (default is '', which means default display name will be used). |
wk semi transparent | Longint | 5 | Semi-transparent line used (value for wk text linethrough style and/or wk text underline style) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk small uppercase | Longint | 4 | Transforms all characters to small uppercase (value for wk text transform) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk solid | Longint | 1 | Solid line or border used (value for wk border style, wk text linethrough style and/or wk text underline style) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk spell enable | String | spellEnabled | Enables the auto spellcheck. Possible values: True/False |
wk square | Longint | 12 | Square marker used (value for wk list style type) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk start | String | start | (Read-only attribute)
Value type: Longint |
wk start text | Longint | 1 | Sets beginning of document as start of text range | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk style sheet | String | styleSheet | Specifies current style sheet for the selected element(s). Possible values:
wk subject | String | subject | Specifies document subject (string) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk subscript | Longint | 6 | Aligns element as subscript (value for wk vertical align) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk superscript | Longint | 5 | Aligns element as superscript (value for wk vertical align) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk svg | Longint | 8 | 4D Write Pro document page is saved in SVG format, based on Page view mode. Note: When exporting to SVG, you can only export one page at a time. Use the wk page index to specify which page to export. |
wk system | String | system | Use decimal separator as returned by (value for wk tab decimal separator). |
wk tab decimal separator | String | tabDecimalSeparator | Character used as decimal separator by decimal tabulations (see wk tabs). Possible values: |
wk tab default | String | tabDefault | Object containing the attributes of the default tab within the target (e.g., paragraph, body, etc.). Default tab attributes can include:
Note: As a shortcut for defining the offset only, you can directly pass a numeric value in the current unit (e.g., 1.5) or a CSS text value (e.g., "3cm"). 4D will construct the tab object automatically. |
wk tab stop leadings | String | tabStopLeadings | COMPATIBILITY NOTE: While this selector continues to work for compatibility purposes, it is recommended to use wk tab default or wk tabs instead.
Specifies the leading characters for tabs in paragraph ranges.
Synchronized with the wk tab stop offsets and wk tab stop types arrays. |
wk tab stop offsets | String | tabStopOffsets | COMPATIBILITY NOTE: While this selector continues to work for compatibility purposes, it is recommended to use wk tab default or wk tabs instead.
Specifies tab offsets for the target. Possible values:
Values are expressed using CSS strings (default) or Real values in wk layout unit. Maximum value is 10,000pt. Synchronized with the wk tab stop leadings and wk tab stop types arrays. |
wk tab stop types | String | tabStopTypes | COMPATIBILITY NOTE: While this selector continues to work for compatibility purposes, it is recommended to use wk tab default or wk tabs instead. Specifies tab stop type for the paragraph. Possible values:
Synchronized with the wk tab stop offsets and wk tab stop leadings arrays. |
wk table | String | table | (Read-only attribute) The parent table. Value type: Object |
wk table align | String | tableAlign | Specifies horizontal alignment for a table. Possible values:
wk table ID | String | tableID | (Read-only attribute) ID of the parent table. Value type: String | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk tabs | String | tabs | Collection of tab objects.
Each tab object contains one or more of the following attributes:
Note: As a shortcut for defining the offset only, when using WP SET ATTRIBUTES you can pass a numeric value in the current unit (e.g., 1.5) or a CSS text value (e.g., "3cm") as a collection element. 4D will construct the tab object automatically.
An empty collection is returned by the WP GET ATTRIBUTES command if the target:
wk text align | String | textAlign | Specifies horizontal alignment of text in the paragraph. Possible values:
wk text box | Longint | 11 | Text box |
wk text color | String | color | Specifies color of text. Possible values: |
wk text indent | String | textIndent | Specifies indentation of first line in the paragraph. Possible values:
wk text linethrough color | String | textLinethroughColor | Specifies color of text linethrough. Possible values:
Default is "currentColor" if string, or wk default if longint. |
wk text linethrough style | String | textLinethroughStyle | Specifies style of text linethrough (if any). Possible values:
wk text shadow color | String | textShadowColor | Specifies shadow color of the selected text. Possible values: |
wk text shadow offset | String | textShadowOffset | Specifies offset for shadow effect. Possible values:
wk text transform | String | textTransform | Specifies uppercase and lowercase letters in the text. Possible values:
wk text underline color | String | textUnderlineColor | Specifies color of text underline. Possible values:
Default is "currentColor" if string, or wk default if longint. |
wk text underline style | String | textUnderlineStyle | Specifies style of text underline (if any). Possible values:
wk text wrap square | Longint | 3 | layout value for wk anchor layout |
wk text wrap square largest | Longint | 6 | layout value for wk anchor layout |
wk text wrap square left | Longint | 4 | layout value for wk anchor layout |
wk text wrap square right | Longint | 5 | layout value for wk anchor layout |
wk text wrap top bottom | Longint | 2 | layout value for wk anchor layout |
wk title | String | title | Specifies document title (string). Default is "New 4D Write Pro Document" | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk top | Longint | 0 | Sets position of background image (value for wk background position v) or aligns element with top of tallest element on the line (value for wk vertical align) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk transparent | Longint | -1 | Specifies color is transparent (value for wk background color or wk text shadow color) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk true | Longint | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk truncated | String | truncated | When used as value of wk image display mode, the image is aligned at the top left of the content box, not replicated, and it keeps its original size.
When used as value of wk background display mode, presets the following attributes:
wk truncated centered | String | truncatedCentered | When used as value of wk image display mode, the image is centered in the content box, not replicated, and it keeps its original size.
When used as value of wk background display mode, presets the following attributes:
wk type | String | type | Type of 4D Write Pro object. Possible values:
For ranges of cells, columns and rows only:
For subsections only:
For tabs only, value used in the object for wk tab default or the objects of the collection for wk tabs:
wk type body | Longint | 8 | Body reference (value for wk type) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk type character | Longint | 0 | Character type |
wk type container | Longint | 3 | Header or footer, for instance (value for wk type) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk type default | Longint | 0 | Default range type | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk type image | Longint | 2 | Anchored and/or inline images | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk type image anchored | Longint | 200 | Anchored image reference for document objects | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk type image inline | Longint | 100 | Inline image reference for document objects | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk type paragraph | Longint | 1 | Paragraph type range | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk type table | Longint | 4 | Table reference | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk type table cell | Longint | 6 | Table cell reference (value for wk type) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk type table column | Longint | 7 | Column reference - only for column range (value for wk type) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk type table row | Longint | 5 | Table row reference | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk type text box | Longint | 300 | Text box (value for wk type) |
wk unit cm | String | cm | Unit used is centimeters (value for wk layout unit) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk unit inch | String | in | Unit used is inches (value for wk layout unit) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk unit mm | String | mm | Unit used is millimeters (value for wk layout unit) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk unit percent | String | % | Unit used is a percentage (value for wk layout unit) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk unit pt | String | pt | Unit used is points (value for wk layout unit) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk unit px | String | px | Unit used is pixels (value for wk layout unit) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk upper latin | Longint | 16 | Uppercase ASCII letters used (value for wk list style type) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk upper roman | Longint | 17 | Uppercase Roman numerals used (value for wk list style type) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk uppercase | Longint | 3 | Changes all characters to uppercase (value for wk text transform) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk use keyboard language | Longint | 524288 | For string comparison, use the keyboard language property from the form object being edited instead of the current data language (default). Note: Ignored if the document is offscreen. |
wk value unit not percentage | Longint | -100000 | Returned to the WP GET ATTRIBUTES command when the current value unit is not percentage and you passed a string variable (result is invalid). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk value unit percentage | Longint | -100001 | Returned to the WP GET ATTRIBUTES command when the current value unit is percentage and you passed a numeric variable (result is invalid). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk values | Longint | 2 | Formulas displayed as values are highlighted (value for wk formula highlight) |
wk version | String | version | Returns internal 4DWP version of the document (real). This number is only read using WP GET ATTRIBUTES; it cannot be set. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk vertical align | String | verticalAlign | Sets vertical alignment of an element. Can be used with characters, paragraphs, pictures, text boxes, tables, table rows, and table columns/cells. Cannot be used with sections or subsections. Possible values:
For characters, wk top and wk bottom have the same effect as wk baseline. |
wk visible background and anchored elements | String | visibleBackground | Displays or exports background images/color, anchored images and text boxes (for display, visible effect in Page or Embedded view mode only). Possible values: True/False |
wk visible empty images | String | visibleEmptyImages | Displays or exports a default black rectangle for images that cannot be loaded or computed (empty images or images in an unsupported format). Possible values: True/False. Default value: True If value is False, missing image elements will not be displayed at all even if they have borders, width, height, or background; this may impact the page layout for inline images. |
wk visible footers | String | visibleFooters | Displays or exports the footers (for display, visible effect in Page view mode only). Possible values: True/False |
wk visible headers | String | visibleHeaders | Displays or exports the headers (for display, visible effect in Page view mode only). Possible values: True/False |
wk visible hidden characters | String | visibleHiddenChars | Displays invisible characters. Possible values: True/False |
wk visible horizontal ruler | String | visibleHorizontalRuler | Displays the horizontal ruler. Possible values: True/False |
wk visible HTML WYSIWYG | String | htmlWYSIWIGEnabled | Enables the HTML WYSIWYG view by removing proprietary 4D Write Pro HTML/CSS tags. Possible values: True/False |
wk visible page frames | String | visiblePageFrames | Displays the page frames (visible effect in Page view mode only). Possible values: True/False |
wk visible references | String | visibleReferences | Displays or exports all 4D expressions inserted in the document as references. Possible values: True/False |
wk visible vertical ruler | String | visibleVerticalRuler | Displays the vertical ruler (visible effect in Page view mode only). Possible values: True/False |
wk web page complete | Longint | 2 | .htm or .html extension. Document is saved as standard HTML and its resources are saved separately. 4D tags and links to 4D methods are removed and expressions are computed. Only text boxes anchored to embedded view are exported (as divs). This format is particularly suitable when you want to display a 4D Write Pro document in a web browser. |
wk web page html 4D | Longint | 3 | 4D Write Pro document is saved as HTML and includes 4D specific tags; each expression is inserted as a non-breaking space. Since this format is lossless, it is appropriate for storing purposes in a text field. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk whole word | Longint | 32 | Only strings that are complete words are considered. Matching strings within other strings are not considered. For example, "where" is not considered when found within "somewhere". |
wk width | String | width | Sets width of element. Possible values:
The wk width attribute is overridden by wk min width if defined. |
wk width insensitive | Longint | 16 | For Japanese language. Strings are compared by character width. For example, "ア" is considered the same as "ア". |
wk word | Longint | 6 | Underline words only (exclude blank spaces) (value for wk text linethrough style and/or wk text underline style) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
wk zoom | String | zoom | Zoom percentage for displaying the contents of the 4D Write Pro area. Possible values:
4D Write Pro
4D Write Pro Attributes
4D Write Pro Constants
Accessing document contents by programming
Handling pictures
Importing and Exporting in .docx format
OBJECT Get horizontal alignment
Using a 4D Write Pro area
WP Add picture
WP Find all
WP Find next
WP Find previous
WP Get breaks
WP Get elements
WP Get footer
WP Get frame
WP Get header
WP Get position
WP Get style sheet
WP Get subsection
WP Get text
WP Get view properties
WP Insert table
WP Is font style supported
WP New subsection
Product: 4D
Theme: 4D Write Pro Language
Modified: 4D v15 R2
Modified: 4D v16 R3
Modified: 4D v19 R2
Modified: 4D v19 R3
Modified: 4D v19 R5
Modified: 4D v19 R6
Modified: 4D v19 R7
Modified: 4D v20
4D Write Pro Reference ( 4D v20)