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4D v20



WP SET TEXT ( targetObj ; newText ; textPosition {; rangeUpdate} )  
Parameter Type   Description
targetObj  Object in Range or element or 4D Write Pro document
newText  Text in Text to insert
textPosition  Number in Insertion position (replace, before, after)
rangeUpdate  Number in Includes or excludes the inserted content within the range

The WP SET TEXT command inserts the text passed in the newText parameter as plain text in the targetObj at the position designated by the textPosition parameter.

In the targetObj parameter, pass an object to designate the position where text will be inserted. It can be an explicit location in the 4D Write Pro document or it can be based on a user's selection. You can pass:

  • a range, or
  • an element (table / row / paragraph / body / header / footer / inline picture / section / subsection), or
  • a 4D Write Pro document.

The newText parameter contains the text to be inserted within targetObj. WP SET TEXT inserts plain text only, exactly as its written, but without any style tags.

In the textPosition parameter, the location of the inserted text can be specified by passing one of the following selectors:

Constant Comment
wk append Insert contents at end of target
wk prepend Insert contents at beginning of target
wk replace Replace target contents
  • If targetObj is a range, you can use the optional rangeUpdate parameter to pass one of the following constants to specify whether or not the inserted contents are included in the resulting range:
    Constant Comment
    wk exclude from range Inserted contents not included in updated range
    wk include in range Inserted contents included in updated range (default)

    If you do not pass a rangeUpdate parameter, by default the inserted contents are included in the resulting range.
  • If targetObj is not a range, rangeUpdate is ignored.


You want to to add text to this document:

targetObj is a 4D Write Pro document:

 WP SET TEXT(myDoc;"Hello world";wk append)
  //writes "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Hello world!"


targetObj is a range:

Before the existing text:

 $range:=WP Text range(myDoc;wk start text;wk end text)
 WP SET TEXT($range;" Hello world!";wk prepend)
  //writes " Hello world! The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

After the existing text:

 $range:=WP Text range(myDoc;wk start text;wk end text)
 WP SET TEXT($range;" Hello world!";wk append)
  //writes "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Hello world!"

Replace the existing text:

 $range:=WP Text range(myDoc;wk start text;wk end text)
 WP SET TEXT($range;" Hello world!";wk replace)
  //writes " Hello world!"

See also 

WP Get text


Product: 4D
Theme: 4D Write Pro Language
Number: 1574

This command can be run in preemptive processes


Created: 4D v17
Modified: 4D v17 R5


4D Write Pro Reference ( 4D v20)